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Another "praise the Raptor" article


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. Has landed on a boat. Technically you have met my criteria for shit-giving. You may continue giving shit, but realize you are a pilgrim in an unholy land here. :D

Granted it was a helo on a CV, but that counts.
Hmm.. Has landed on a boat. Technically you have met my criteria for shit-giving. You may continue giving shit, but realize you are a pilgrim in an unholy land here. :D

Granted it was a helo on a CV, but that counts.

I continue but treading carefully.

Nothing but respect for you tailhooks as that is something i have no interest in trying. I will stick to my long runways and air condition quarters.


Airborne All the Way!!!
Hey, cut the Air Force some slack. Some of the best taxi rides that I ever got were from Air Force drivers. :D


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Not our fault that the AF brass gets along better with congress. Snakes of a feather slither together.

Actually, the service that has ALWAYS enjoyed the most favor of Congress is the Marine Corps. Of course, they approach it with up front consistent story and they are respected as Honest-Brokers. The Air Force approaches everything with mass manpower, slick briefings and catchy names for everything. A lot of showmanship and it's recognized as such.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Aerodynamic breaking is for pussys (AF) and fags (P3). :icon_smil

A-7s used (in the day) and Tomcats did it, but without the raising of the nose. When your horizontal stabilizer is big as the wing on an A-4, pulling back on the stick gives you rather nice aero braking and was SOP.


Well-Known Member
Are you kidding? At least the earth doesn't repel us. :D
You speak quickly for not knowing so much about Rotary Wing Aerodynamics. We simply beat the air into submission... ;)

Hmm.. Has landed on a boat. Technically you have met my criteria for shit-giving. You may continue giving shit, but realize you are a pilgrim in an unholy land here. :D

Granted it was a helo on a CV, but that counts.
You should have worded your criteria a little better... Naval Aviators of the Rotary Wing variety land on SMALL boats (2 spots or less).


New Member
Actually, the service that has ALWAYS enjoyed the most favor of Congress is the Marine Corps. Of course, they approach it with up front consistent story and they are respected as Honest-Brokers. The Air Force approaches everything with mass manpower, slick briefings and catchy names for everything. A lot of showmanship and it's recognized as such.

agreed, the congress seems to think that the navy and air force are just looking for new expensive and not neccessarily needed shiny toys... as for the army i dont even know if the army even plans their approach with congress.


Cereal Killer
Ok, so the Flat-man has landed on a (rather big) boat, flown both airplanes of both the "eggbeater" kind and the pointy nose kind (and punched out of one of said airplanes, for which I would like to hear the story) and still can't get no respect around here. :icon_wink You guys are brutal! :D


Professional Badguy
Flaring to land is like squatting to pee...and after 300+ traps and countless FCLP's, I'm finding it difficult to tuck my stuff between my legs and act like Buffalo Bob (Pictures would be nice here).

Is this post about the F-22 or the manliness of the AF...I can't remember.
Is this post about the F-22 or the manliness of the AF...I can't remember.[/quote]

Well both of those are combined to mean the same in this day and age.
Ok, so the Flat-man has landed on a (rather big) boat, flown both airplanes of both the "eggbeater" kind and the pointy nose kind (and punched out of one of said airplanes, for which I would like to hear the story) and still can't get no respect around here. :icon_wink You guys are brutal! :D

Get your wings and I will share the story.