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Another "praise the Raptor" article


It really tied the room together.
NAS Oceana

I'm heading down to Oceana this weekend and I want to catch this demo, but the NAS Oceana website schedule is a paragraph that doesn't give you a schedule at all. Now I know that flight times vary, but does anyone know when the raptor demo will take place? (my brother was slow and we missed it at the Point Mugu show this spring - trying not to do that again - that picture above looks like it could have been at Pt Mugu as it was an absolutely perfect day)
many thanks.


Well-Known Member
The Raptor demo at Oshkosh this year was a big disappointment, especially after last year's "improptu" two-ship extravaganza.
Apparently, the crowd line at Oshkosh is too close for ACC's likings, so they did their "flat show"... basically, it looked like the Eagle demo.
I sort of put one of the coordinator pilots on the spot by saying something like "so you do the "flat show" to mitigate the risk to the public, since the "full up" show is "riskier"? And you want me to believe that if ACC thought there was some significantly higher risk to losing a $250M fighter at an airshow, that they would still allow it to happen since the crowd line was 300' further away??"
Maybe there were other reasons, but that was the explanation I got.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
^^^ The F-22 demo at the last Nellis airshow was boring too. Didn't impress me at all in that it was really no different from what the F-15 and F-18 did.


Registered User
Too bad the Navy couldn't afford the Navalize version of the F-22. The F/A-18E doesn't come close in performance. There's a Navy F-18C/D exchange aviator with the F-22 Test and Evaluation Squadron in Las Vegas for a 3 year assignment.. It will be interesting to hear his opinion/comparison between the two aircraft. Whether the F-22 is a giant leap in technology over the Super Hornet or just a lot of USAF BS.


I'm heading down to Oceana this weekend and I want to catch this demo, but the NAS Oceana website schedule is a paragraph that doesn't give you a schedule at all. Now I know that flight times vary, but does anyone know when the raptor demo will take place? (my brother was slow and we missed it at the Point Mugu show this spring - trying not to do that again - that picture above looks like it could have been at Pt Mugu as it was an absolutely perfect day)
many thanks.

Around 1300ish


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to hear his opinion/comparison between the two aircraft. Whether the F-22 is a giant leap in technology over the Super Hornet or just a lot of USAF BS.
Do you really feel there are doubts as to how this aircraft's capabilities stack up? I understand your lack of confidence in the USAF's party line, but ask around: there are a bunch of Navy/Marine pilots that have flown against it.
The question for me is: is it worth $250M+ ?


You can do anything once.
As the 'flyboys-esque' music wore off at the end of the clip, my initial thought was..."air force....still gay".

that is a pretty sweet jet though. i wonder if the model used in the brief comes with the $250m aeroplane.


Well-Known Member

When will the AF stand down the U-2 program at Beale AFB for more UAVs?
Congress has said loud and clear that it will not happen before the Global Hawk's capabilities meet or exceed the U-2's. This was in response to the USAF's attempt in Jan 06 to begin parking U-2's in the boneyard. The USAF is convinced the Global Hawk is "the way". However, once the combatant commanders and the alphabet agencies figured out what they were going to lose, pressure turned toward Congress.
That said, on paper, we are scheduled to go way in FY2012. G.H. just slipped 9+months, so that tells me FY2013. And that's if you believe Northrop Grumman's claims on what the GH will be able to do in 2013.

There's about 5 GH's flying right now. So far, they've spent over $10B on the program, and it's getting worse.
Granted, I'm biased, and always looking for good facts to bash GH. It will be able to complement some U-2 capes, but it won't replace it anytime soon.

Do the Navy a favor, and convince them to dump their GH. They've got one at Pax River doing some flying.


Ex-Rhino driver
^^^ The F-22 demo at the last Nellis airshow was boring too. Didn't impress me at all in that it was really no different from what the F-15 and F-18 did.

The demo at Oceana was impressive. From Hornet guys, demo guys, former Blues, the F-22 is no joke. And for eveyone that says those are just airshow moves, you haven't fought them. They do things that aircraft aren't supposed to do.

VFA-203 Forever

So You Like To Put fishsticks in your mouth?
I gotta say I was awe inspired by the Demo at Oceana. Shame us here at Dobbins don't get that kind of stuff on the test flights :) Here's it fly the damn thing, Make sure nothing is broken, Burn some gas off in the pattern then land.

As great as the demo is, It still is in the Rhino's Shadow in my biased opinion. :D


500 ft. from said obstacle
As the 'flyboys-esque' music wore off at the end of the clip, my initial thought was..."air force....still gay".

that is a pretty sweet jet though. i wonder if the model used in the brief comes with the $250m aeroplane.

I'm sure it does... complete with certificate of authenticity.

I think everyone can agree the F/A-22 is an extremely capable aircraft. However... we can probably also agree that its the pilot that counts the most... millions of taxdollars can't replace skill IMO. I guess the old adage that "the USAF can always build more aircraft .." no longer applies (at least for this aircraft)... too much $$$$. It often makes me wonder if drawing off of F-16 VISTA and thrust-vectoring technologies to augment existing airframes wouldn't have been a better move. $250M can buy 5 or 6 F-16s, or be used to upgrade current aircraft. Just my 2c.

I've seen the Raptor in action at a couple airshows... pretty impressive. A friend of mine has actually been accepted to join that reserve unit in Alaska thats just receiving their first aircraft. He'll be one of the first to train in the F/A-22. I think I'll forward him the video to ensure that he receives his model/certificate... can't miss out on goodies like that!