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Applying to Jan board 2013


Active Member
So is Chelsea the only other person who hasn't heard results? I haven't heard either. My recruiter is on leave and I separately had his supervisor check into it. He said my name wasn't on the list, but wouldn't my name be on the list with some indication of non-select on it? He said it wasn't an official list, and just a pre-list, which doesn't make sense really, and he seemed to indicate that results were sort of gradually rolling in, and not just on one big list. Ultimately, he didn't seem to sure of what he was telling me. I'm getting the feeling that my application was never routed. So is anyone else still waiting for word?
So is Chelsea the only other person who hasn't heard results? I haven't heard either. My recruiter is on leave and I separately had his supervisor check into it. He said my name wasn't on the list, but wouldn't my name be on the list with some indication of non-select on it? He said it wasn't an official list, and just a pre-list, which doesn't make sense really, and he seemed to indicate that results were sort of gradually rolling in, and not just on one big list. Ultimately, he didn't seem to sure of what he was telling me. I'm getting the feeling that my application was never routed. So is anyone else still waiting for word?

JH88 is waiting too. Which NRD are you? I would be livid if someone told me my name wasn't on a list... I hope that's not the case for you.


Pro Rec NFO
Which NRD are you waiting on?[/quote]

New England, resigning myself to the fact that were running out of time for today. I am applying NFO/SWO by the way
A lot of commands in my area have been doing their Christmas parties this week. Makes me wonder if everyone has been skipping out early and cutting their weeks short. This is an awful time to be waiting on results like this. Good luck to you guys! My OR told me definitely by Monday I'll know.


Active Member
Yeah, I have a pretty strong app and I can't imagine I wasn't selected based on what I've seen. So. . .you guys in CT?


Active Member
No joke. JH have you actually spoken with your recruiter yet and were told he has no info, or are you just waiting for him to call you? My experience with Boston recruiters is: they are nonexistent.


Pro Rec NFO
I spoke with him this morning and he said he has no info. Maybe it is just taking a little longer for everything to trickle down to specific recruiters


*Insert nerd wings here*
I think NavyOffRec said that names not being on a list is a glitch, and that you should be on at least one list.

Also just had a chat with my processor, and he said that while he hadn't heard about early OCS classes, the fact that they called me about it suggests that it will happen. He said that people have been shuffled around a bit. The 1/6 class would be too soon to get our clearances open, but that 1/27 was still a real possibility.
Excuse me for just a second...

Pro-Rec SWO!!!!!!!!!

The font seriously couldn't get big enough. I dont think I ever posted my stats, so if anyone's curious:
B.A. in Communications, ~3.7, Virginia Wesleyan College
ASTB: 5/5/6 54
All employer references.

My OR said since I only applied SWO that January probably wouldn't happen. He's not expecting my FS letter until next month, but he said I should be ready to go as soon as February. Thanks, guys, for all your support. It's been a stressful past couple days for sure. Good luck to everyone else who is still waiting!


Well-Known Member

Just to reiterate my stats, since I forgot (also needed to update a few, since they've changed recently):
Pro-Rec SNA/NFO/SWO Dec. 2012
B.S. Aeronautical Science, Minor in Business Administration
GPA: 3.68


Pro Rec SNA on Dec 14
First post but a long-time lurker. Very happy to say that I was Pro Rec'd SNA/NFO/SWO. My NRD is based out of Connecticut. Here my stats for those who are curious:

B.A. Political Science and Economics, Minor in History
GPA: 3.84
University of Massachusetts-Amherst


SNFO OCS Class 17Feb13
My stats post is a while back in the thread. 3.6 GPA, 8/8/9 63 ASTB. Lots of leadership experience and LORs from college professors who know me very well.


Well-Known Member
I think NavyOffRec said that names not being on a list is a glitch, and that you should be on at least one list.

Also just had a chat with my processor, and he said that while he hadn't heard about early OCS classes, the fact that they called me about it suggests that it will happen. He said that people have been shuffled around a bit. The 1/6 class would be too soon to get our clearances open, but that 1/27 was still a real possibility.

Sometimes the glitch is that a person didn't make it to board, I hated that conversation.