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Applying to Jan board 2013


*Insert nerd wings here*
Congrats! Who told you? You finally reach your recruiter?


A recruiter in San Diego of all places. I was sent a PM by another applicant in my NRD who gave me a number to call. I did, and then I got the call about an hour later. A SCPO in the office called me twice (I tried him first this afternoon) during a presentation, so I couldn't answer. Otherwise I would have had to wait until tomorrow.

It sucks for all of those who still haven't heard. From looking at my spreadsheet it seems there are a couple of folks who haven't posted anything either way. However, NavyOffRec said the selection rate was really high so be optimistic!


New Member
I would say you are a rare one, someone took the time to look at your grades, that and from what I hear the selection % was high, one of my contacts said they only had one person from this board that was a non select.

Just wondering if the % was for a specific community or for the sna/swo/nfo communities combined.

Thanks in advance


New Member
That is what I am trying to find out, but lots of people are taking time off around this time of year.

I spoke with my OR and he said he was going to wait to tell me until the official results came out. He said the numbers sometimes change from the unofficial to the official.


Well-Known Member
I spoke with my OR and he said he was going to wait to tell me until the official results came out. He said the numbers sometimes change from the unofficial to the official.

???? the results are official, nothing can be released until signed by the senior member that is what makes them official, before that just the board members and a YN or GS type them up, then they are given to the senior member who signs it, then it is released, no one except those people would have it if it wasn't official.


New Member
???? the results are official, nothing can be released until signed by the senior member that is what makes them official, before that just the board members and a YN or GS type them up, then they are given to the senior member who signs it, then it is released, no one except those people would have it if it wasn't official.
thanks for the info. im really lost now. He also said he was waiting on a letter. Do non-selects get letters?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info. im really lost now. He also said he was waiting on a letter. Do non-selects get letters?

yes, everyone gets a letter, but often the NS letters are not even distributed. It says something like "competition was strong but under significant consideration you were not selected ....." or something close to that, to be honest in over 3 years I only had maybe 5 that wanted their NS letters.

If he is waiting for a FS or NS letter you could be waiting for a bit, they normally are issued only a few months before OCS, and NS letters are always on the back burner. It makes me wonder how knowledgeable your OR is.


*Insert nerd wings here*
I wonder if they are referring to getting us our FS letters because of all this January business. I got something about "official results aren't out yet" during my hunt to find out about my Pro-Rec.


New Member
yes, everyone gets a letter, but often the NS letters are not even distributed. It says something like "competition was strong but under significant consideration you were not selected ....." or something close to that, to be honest in over 3 years I only had maybe 5 that wanted their NS letters.

If he is waiting for a FS or NS letter you could be waiting for a bit, they normally are issued only a few months before OCS, and NS letters are always on the back burner. It makes me wonder how knowledgeable your OR is.

Im not sure, but I will call again tomorrow. I had to do this board after I missed the July board for waiting on a waiver that I never needed. I had to go to millington to get an answer


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they are referring to getting us our FS letters because of all this January business. I got something about "official results aren't out yet" during my hunt to find out about my Pro-Rec.

No, FS has nothing to do with Pro rec except one does follow the other, but a list of pro rec's signed by a CAPT is as official as you can get, the FS letters are essentially just a letter saying your medical and clearance have been verified and then assign you an OCS date, I have seen FS letters get changed by NRC, but never anyone changed from pro Y to pro N, I have seen people that were pro Y wait for 2 years to go to OCS because they were pro Y and that was going to be honored.

Andrew Frey

New Member
Hey long time lurker, first time posting....

To all of those who have been pro rec'd congrats, and to all of those who were not I wish you best of luck and continue to push for your dreams.
I have spent 2 years trying to get a board and finally I made it to the Dec 3rd board. I was selected and had a release like no other! It shows that if you work hard and keep your mind to a specific goal, you can achieve it!

Thank you to all on here who have answered all questions and concerns for each candidate/ applicant. NavyRec, you are very helpful to each individual.

Good Luck to all people and hopefully you had been selected.


Pro Rec SNA NFO Dec 2012
Just got off the phone with my recruiter and he had some good news and bad news (as he put it). Bad news is I have a lot of paperwork to fill out because of the good news: selected SNA and NFO!

If anyone is curious I was working with NRD Richmond. Thanks everyone for all the useful information!

Age: 24
GPA: 3.3 Finance
OAR: 60 7/8/7