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Applying to Jan board 2013

Andrew Frey

New Member
I was a aviation major with pro flight background. 2.99 GPA with commercial multi/single and instrument rated... Don't remember my astb score as I took them 3 years ago. I was enlisted and waiting to hear for the results to come back to know if I was going to be an O-1 or E-3. Just a little help for those to know what helped me.


*Insert nerd wings here*
I also found "Bridges at Toko- Ri", to be an excellent presentation of carrier jet combat ops (as I experinced them in No. Vietnam), even though it took place in Korea nearly 60 years ago. So Hollywood dosn't make all realistic Navy flicks, but most are worth watching [entertainment]!:cool:

Watched this last weekend on the military channel as per your suggestion, enjoyed it very much!

McHale's Navy

sighted nothing..sank same.
Yeah, Top Gun was over-the-top unrealistic, but good flyin' footage though, & recruited lots of the '90s NAs & NFOs for us. OTOH, I found 'Officer & Gentleman' a very realistic portrayal of the NAVCAD Preflight (especially the local "husband-hunters", who would resort to all sorts of chicanery & trickery, etc.. to bag a future NA in Pensacola)!:eek:

I also found "Bridges at Toko- Ri", to be an excellent presentation of carrier jet combat ops (as I experinced them in No. Vietnam), even though it took place in Korea nearly 60 years ago. So Hollywood dosn't make all realistic Navy flicks, but most are worth watching [entertainment]!:cool:
A really good television series to watch is JAG. I grew up with it. You all should check it out if you haven't seen it already.


OCS 6 OCT 2013
While we are computer flying on youtube or in front of our TV's, let's not forget to hit the track and pool for some PT!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.. i just found out i am pro rec SNA. I was a 62 7/7/6 on the ASTB.. 3.0 GPA in finance from SDSU. I have a possible eye problem. I am 20/30 in one eye... 20/40 in the other... both correctable to 20/15. I am worried i wont pass the next eye exam. My recruiter seems to think wait until after OCS to worry about it..... or maybe the military would pay for PRK.. he also doesnt know of the 3 month possible waiver for PRK. Should i do PRK now in my one eye that is slowly getting worse before i risk failing the eye test?

20/40 is what the worse eye can be as long it can be corrected to 20/20, and I believe the other eye can then be no worse than 20/30, the wait for PRK for those not in service is 6 months per N3M that is who will give you the OK to go to OCS, and if you don't meet the requirements they won't let you go.

Who said you were 20/40 MEPS?


Pro-Rec SNA - OCS 27JAN2012
My RO told me to expect the 27 Jan OCS date, but he said it could change... Has anyone else experienced this? Does the RO even have any date information without the paperwork coming down? ... Did anyone determine how long it should take for said paperwork?


Well-Known Member
My RO told me to expect the 27 Jan OCS date, but he said it could change... Has anyone else experienced this? Does the RO even have any date information without the paperwork coming down? ... Did anyone determine how long it should take for said paperwork?

The only thing the OR's or NRD's will know is how full the classes are IF they actually look at the OCS class list that is emailed out, now that doesn't show how many have yet to sign their FS letters and they only put about 50 per class, and there are 26 NRD's.

The date for the individuals is placed in CIRIMS when they go to route the FS letter. That isn't official until a signed copy is rec'd by the NRD

Mark Hamilton

Pro-rec NFO
Is anyone applying for the Jan CEC Board? does anyone know what kind of numbers they are looking at for this board? I was recently pro'recd for NFO but listed CEC has my number one choice. I thnk the CEC board is meeting a little later so the results should be out next month.

Stats are...
GPA 3.01 Civil Engineering
I have my EIT
Currently employed past 7 months with Civil and municipal engineering firm
president of collegiate cycling team
international engineering research experience (trip to ecuador to build a water system over summer)
I do triathlons. 6 years ocean lifeguard.
Cleared through meps
Not required but astb 56
great interview

I know for NFO I could go to OCS as early as January but Im worried if i get picked up for CEC I could wait a year. Anyone have any info?

Dominic Truehart

Final Select SNFO
My RO told me to expect the 27 Jan OCS date, but he said it could change... Has anyone else experienced this? Does the RO even have any date information without the paperwork coming down? ... Did anyone determine how long it should take for said paperwork?
My OR told me to expect 27 Jan class too. I'm going to meet him tomorrow to finalize the paperwork but it seems like a pretty solid date.


I was a non-select for this last Pilot/NFO board (Dec. 3rd). Anyone else working on a reconsideration package and can shed some light on the process (i.e. reconsideration letter, what to change, etc...) Im retaking my ASTB after the holidays (went to board with a 5/6/6/47) . Should I get more LOR's (only had one from a 0-5 pilot).

John wright

SNA Pro-Rec Dec 2012
I was a non-select for this last Pilot/NFO board (Dec. 3rd). Anyone else working on a reconsideration package and can shed some light on the process (i.e. reconsideration letter, what to change, etc...) Im retaking my ASTB after the holidays (went to board with a 5/6/6/47) . Should I get more LOR's (only had one from a 0-5 pilot).

I only had one officer LOR... I would bet that if you improve your ASTB that will help a ton. Did you have a good GPA?


I only had one officer LOR... I would bet that if you improve your ASTB that will help a ton. Did you have a good GPA?
Not really, GPA at time of board was a 2.8 in Aviation Business Administration form Embry-Riddle. Im currently taking 4 classes to finish my degree, all A's. Hopefully it helps get it over a 3.0. I may take a few more classes once these finish to boost GPA.