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Applying to Jan board 2013


Just got a call from my recruiter this morning letting me know that I'm slated for Jan 27th in the system. Just waiting on the FS letter to make it official. For now he's shooting to have everything in hand and for me to swear-in after the stand-down on Jan 7th (assuming all has arrived by then.)

Damn good news. Hopefully everything is smooth sailing from here!


Pro-Rec SNA - OCS 27JAN2012
Just found out that I will be swearing in with the rest of the NRD Dallas ladies and gentlemen next Friday! HAPPY NEW YEARS!


Well-Known Member
For those recently selected, did you complete your fingerprints before submitting your package?
My recruiter has gone back and forth on needing them twice now. It's hard to have any confidence in a recruiter that flip flops so much but I am too close to submitting to change recruiters.


OCS 6 OCT 2013
For those recently selected, did you complete your fingerprints before submitting your package?
My recruiter has gone back and forth on needing them twice now. It's hard to have any confidence in a recruiter that flip flops so much but I am too close to submitting to change recruiters.
Yes... I am not sure if it was required before the packet was sent to the board but I definitely had them done months before
For those recently selected, did you complete your fingerprints before submitting your package?
My recruiter has gone back and forth on needing them twice now. It's hard to have any confidence in a recruiter that flip flops so much but I am too close to submitting to change recruiters.
Yes... I am not sure if it was required before the packet was sent to the board but I definitely had them done months before

I had mine done too. My package had technically already been submitted, but it hadn't gone to board yet. I think they are doing more of the stuff up front (MEPS, background check, etc) now so they can get people fully qualified ahead of time.


Pro-Rec SNA - OCS 27JAN2012
For those recently selected, did you complete your fingerprints before submitting your package?
My recruiter has gone back and forth on needing them twice now. It's hard to have any confidence in a recruiter that flip flops so much but I am too close to submitting to change recruiters.

My RO said they were required, and did them before submission. I did them the old fashioned way in his office, but I know lots of people who did them at MEPS.
Also, out of curiosity, anybody picked up for SWO this board getting OCS dates in Januray or February? I see a lot of the Pilots and NFOs heading out that early, but not a whole lot on the SWO side of things. Just curious. I've been told to expect my letter to come in by mid-January, and I'm beginning to wonder what to expect realistically. My OR keeps telling me to be ready go to "soon", but with nothing set in stone yet, it's getting me anxious.


Well-Known Member
For those recently selected, did you complete your fingerprints before submitting your package?
My recruiter has gone back and forth on needing them twice now. It's hard to have any confidence in a recruiter that flip flops so much but I am too close to submitting to change recruiters.

Fingerprints must be sent so that OPM can "open" and investigation, the board never sees them, often they are done at MEPS, now if a person is other service, or a drilling reservist then they are done in house, but again, only needed for OPM.


Well-Known Member
Fingerprints must be sent so that OPM can "open" and investigation, the board never sees them, often they are done at MEPS, now if a person is other service, or a drilling reservist then they are done in house, but again, only needed for OPM.

Thanks for all your replies everyone...

So the investigation can be started after a packet is submitted?


I'm okay with the events unfolding currently
Thanks for all your replies everyone...

So the investigation can be started after a packet is submitted?

I wasn't contacted by an investigator to schedule my three-hour interview until a couple days before I was selected. I found out I was selected a few days before the interview even took place. I don't believe anybody I listed has been contacted yet, either.


Extra awesome
Thanks for all your replies everyone...

So the investigation can be started after a packet is submitted?

I have my FS and still have yet to hear from an investigator. NavyOffRec confirmed somewhere that all you need is the investigation to be opened


Dec 2012 SNA Pro Rec
First, congratulations on everyone who got recommended.
For the person keeping the stats: I got pro rec. for SNA with 6/6/6 55.
3.33 GPA from UC Berkeley in Applied Mathematics and Quantum Mechanics.
Two letters from Faculty Professors, one from E-9 in AF, one from E-6 in Navy, and one from Employer.
I honestly thought I wasn't going to make with everyone having such high ASTB scores. But I'm super juiced that I did.
Again, congrats to everyone and hope to see some of you in OCS. (dont know a date yet)


*Insert nerd wings here*
Question to all pilot/NFO pro-recs: have any of you who put down a start date for January not yet received an OCS date?