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Applying to Jan board 2013


Pro-Rec SNA - OCS 27JAN2012
Same boat, won't beat a dead horse, just wanted to know if you had prior contact with the PL for your district or if you had received that phone call out of the blue? Just wondering b/c if possible I'd REALLY like to see which class i'm tentatively slotted for and if the letter has been generated. Thanks in advance for any info! I'm hoping for 27 Jan as well!

No prior contact... I had worked with a few different Officer Recruiters and two civilians before (I got passed around quite a bit), but I got a phone call from NRD Dallas out of the blue and the Processor Lead told me that in the "system" i was set for 1/27 and he was waiting for the Final Select letters.

Good luck man! hope to see you there!


Pro-Rec SNFO May, 3rd 2013
I found this blog that someone put all of there letters home in during OCS in 2011 and it describes the first few weeks really well. I have noticed in the past that there isn't a ton of info about the first few weeks at OCS anywhere on the web, so I figured I would share this in the hopes that it may help someone. It may give a preparation edge to those getting ready to go and help you be mentally prepared for what you will face as an indoctrination candidate: http://petersocsjournal.blogspot.com/2011/09/indoctrination-weekhell-week.html


Active Member
I found this blog that someone put all of there letters home in during OCS in 2011 and it describes the first few weeks really well. I have noticed in the past that there isn't a ton of info about the first few weeks at OCS anywhere on the web, so I figured I would share this in the hopes that it may help someone. It may give a preparation edge to those getting ready to go and help you be mentally prepared for what you will face as an indoctrination candidate: http://petersocsjournal.blogspot.com/2011/09/indoctrination-weekhell-week.html

I know people adjust differently, but he sounds like a whinny baby....

Navy Airedale


Thank you for all of your help and everything you do on this forum. So I come to find out yesterday that my recruiter never even submitted my package....I give an email to the processor at the office (Who generally has been handling EVERYTHING throughout the whole package) and she says, yeah, your recruiter never submitted your package to me to send off (Which the difference was literally a couple signatures and the remarks section of application) . Long story short, I call him and he says no no I submitted you, all the while receiving a call back an hour later saying yeah, it was never submitted...

It was a low blow and unprofessional / un-genuine, especially due to the fact I went into the office to start the process late June.

So now I will be submitting to the next board (SNA) since the deadline is way past for the 3DEC12 board. Will it be meeting in March? I saw you mention that it could possibly be in Feb. Just some more waiting on my shoulders. Good luck to everyone else who applied!


I am having a similar problem. I am currently TAD away from my parent command and had to send my package to them so the CO could sign it completing my package. It was sent to them about three months ago and has yet been sent to NRC. I keep being told that it was sent, but when I call to verify with NRC I am told it has not been received. I then call my command and ask why it has not been sent, I get the runarounds saying they will send it. This has happened three times now and each time I asked for a copy of the finalized package for my records I never get it. I missed the December boards, and at the current pace, I will miss the March boards. What should I do? It was sent to an O-2 who I trust with my package, but keeps telling me it was sent off followed by there were errors and will be sent off soon.


*Insert nerd wings here*
I know people adjust differently, but he sounds like a whinny baby....

He said something about "getting fired and four years of slave labor." Must have been a BDCP guy who was afraid of enlisting.

Ok, so one more thing about this. He said he had a panic attack. A bit o' gauge for everyone on psych related things: be very careful about the words you use to describe how you feel about shitty parts of OCS (or the military in general afterwards). Really avoid using terms that have actual clinical meaning, like panic attack, depression, anxiety etc. Everyone gets "depressed" in life, but if you or the person using the terms doesn't know what they are talking about, it could blow up in your face. "Got really upset" or "really nervous" etc are probably better ways to describe things unless someone is really going over the cliff. I don't want to discourage people from dealing with real problems, but just be very careful with your words.


Active Member
He said something about "getting fired and four years of slave labor." Must have been a BDCP guy who was afraid of enlisting.

Ok, so one more thing about this. He said he had a panic attack. A bit o' gauge for everyone on psych related things: be very careful about the words you use to describe how you feel about shitty parts of OCS (or the military in general afterwards). Really avoid using terms that have actual clinical meaning, like panic attack, depression, anxiety etc. Everyone gets "depressed" in life, but if you or the person using the terms doesn't know what they are talking about, it could blow up in your face. "Got really upset" or "really nervous" etc are probably better ways to describe things unless someone is really going over the cliff. I don't want to discourage people from dealing with real problems, but just be very careful with your words.

I read more it is and he does say he's a BDCP guy later on. Anyways, I haven't been through OCS (but been through basic training), but the way he words many things sounds like he did absolutely no research into what he got himself into. Who doesn't expect to get yelled at, PT like crazy, have to stay up for hours on end doing mundane tasks when going to some sort of military entrance training?

You're also right about some of the terminology about describing ones feelings.


Pro-Rec SNFO May, 3rd 2013
I read more it is and he does say he's a BDCP guy later on. Anyways, I haven't been through OCS (but been through basic training), but the way he words many things sounds like he did absolutely no research into what he got himself into. Who doesn't expect to get yelled at, PT like crazy, have to stay up for hours on end doing mundane tasks when going to some sort of military entrance training?

You're also right about some of the terminology about describing ones feelings.

Yea before I went to Navy Bootcamp I knew it was going to suck before hand, even thought I really didn't know exactly what I was going to be doing there. I remember reading somewhere in his posts something like "where is the school part of OCS? I haven't learned a damn thing!" , and I thought it was pretty funny that he expected it to actually be a school as the name implies. The guy had no idea what OCS was about and what he would be doing there, talk about being a lamb to the slaughter. However, I will give him the fact that mentioned that he did pretty well in the physical aspects such as PT and time in the sand pit compared to his fellow candidates.


Well-Known Member

I am having a similar problem. I am currently TAD away from my parent command and had to send my package to them so the CO could sign it completing my package. It was sent to them about three months ago and has yet been sent to NRC. I keep being told that it was sent, but when I call to verify with NRC I am told it has not been received. I then call my command and ask why it has not been sent, I get the runarounds saying they will send it. This has happened three times now and each time I asked for a copy of the finalized package for my records I never get it. I missed the December boards, and at the current pace, I will miss the March boards. What should I do? It was sent to an O-2 who I trust with my package, but keeps telling me it was sent off followed by there were errors and will be sent off soon.

I wonder if there isn't a reason they are stalling, or if it truly is errors, especially since it just has to be emailed to the fleet processor, what type of errors are they saying there was? I mean there is a checklist, it isn't rocket science.


SNA API Current
I totally agree with you! The guy whines the entire time about everything, so reading through those parts got pretty old FAST.

I agree with you guys. I cannot take reading this account. This is the attitude that cripples a candidate. I don't know exactly how my time at OCS will be, but I know that I will be prepared for certain undesirable conditions, and to approach it like this will mean I cannot possibly be trained as a military officer. We know what we're getting ourselves into. Plain and simple.

Navy Airedale

I wonder if there isn't a reason they are stalling, or if it truly is errors, especially since it just has to be emailed to the fleet processor, what type of errors are they saying there was? I mean there is a checklist, it isn't rocket science.

Everything on the checklist was complete; all it was missing was the CO’s signature, as for the errors I was told the CO was on leave and there were grammar errors. Even with all that, there is no reason why it taks three months to complete and if there were grammar errors I should have been notified immediately so I could correct it or send it as it is.