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But I sniveled!!!

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Promotion from ENS to LTJG is automatic and no big deal. Mine was signing the papers with the YN1 and the XO saying get back to work. With a 100% selection rate to O2 for all qualified, it's not like it was a special event for her to get all wet about.

If they put out a preliminary sched for all to see they would double the number of complaints. "But the prelim had me.....", "Why did it change, I already....", etc.

And the number of no shows would go up. "But I looked at the prelim and it said...."

The training command has been putting out scheds for years. It's all been tried before. Live with it and quit whining.


You can do anything once.
Rg9 said:
Can I make it clear, too, that I'm not as concerned about what I'm flying tomorrow as much as when. I know all about staying ahead of the curve, etc., etc.

Whatever your flying will be the next day, at the earliest. :icon_wink


Super Moderator
O.K. ... then everyone's on the same page ... of the SKED :D ... basically.

Don't fight it -- the inefficiency -- 'cause if major corporations ran themselves like the government -- they wouldn't last a year.

Weren't you just saying that the 'Majors' were no better than the Navy with skeds? ;)


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Well ... that's something we didn't have. But the basics still apply. Things change all day long as the current SKED progresses and is flown.

Or maybe they -- the SKED writers -- just don't like you 'cause you're "Indians" (see above) ... :D

Looks like this got hashed out before I got back here, but I think this is/was the basic misunderstanding. A4's comments are all valid for the fleet and life prior to TIMS. The misunderstanding is that TIMS, or more accurately, technology in general, makes it potentially easier for everyone to be more informed w/out excess energy on the writers' parts.

Unfortunately, the problem was/is, as discussed, all the people who don't understand it's a rough schedule, and want to waste the writers' time and energy w/ needless complaining.


I believe nicotine + caffeine = protein
They have most of us 'scared' enough of the skeds folks that I have never walked into that room ... rollin with the punches has worked for me.

Also, my wife didn't make my promotion and she didn't miss anything ... plus I thought it was pretty cool having our CO put my new bars on.


Well-Known Member
My promotion to JG was basically my CO throwing a pair JG Shoulderboards at me as I was walking to the brow to go on COMPTUEX. I had actually been getting paid for LTJG for 3 months, but the XO liked having a Bull Ensign around to cause mischief, which was right up my alley..

Promotion to LT was a "HEY YOU TWO! GET IN HERE!" "Congrats, sign this, they finally released the LT promotion list (2 months late)"

Neither of us never got the back pay, but those be the breaks.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
If they put out a preliminary sched for all to see they would double the number of complaints. "But the prelim had me.....", "Why did it change, I already....", etc.

And the number of no shows would go up. "But I looked at the prelim and it said...."

The training command has been putting out scheds for years. It's all been tried before. Live with it and quit whining.

^^^That is why it's optimized for Skeds to develop the schedule with least amount of interruptions. Maybe you (Rg9) might not abuse seeing it in prelim form, but others would so it's not going to be optimized for you. Human nature (whiners in particular) prevails and that's why they keep it close hold. Don't blame the command or skeds, it's others that make it this way. Remember, you're in a sausage factory (so to speak) and the objective is to produce sausages whether you like how you're packaged or not.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
A prelim sked is a worthless piece of paper. One flick of a red pen and it's back to the drawing board. The "heads up" you had before going home is now bad gouge. It never ends. This tour is the first time in 9 years that I know what I'll be doing tomorrow.


Internet killed the television star
Promotion from ENS to LTJG is automatic and no big deal.

I personally think that's a problem on the aviation side of the house. Yeah, it's automatic, but I have several SWO buddies whose command made it a big deal, ceremony and all. So what if it's just a matter of keeping your nose clean for two years, you still get another rank and more responsibility. My wife has been present at every one of my promotions, even when I was enlisted and we weren't married, b/c it meant something, so if the guy wants to know the time for his promotion so his spouse/partner/gay love brother wants to be there, good on him.

Would you tell your Seaman going from E-1 to E-2, which is usually pretty automatic as long as they aren't a sh!tbag, "eh, it's not a big deal". I know when I sewed on E-3, etc, I was pretty damn proud, even though it wasn't that "big of a deal"


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
I personally think that's a problem on the aviation side of the house.

Perhaps the reason is because amongst the officers (outside of the TRACOM), paygrade isn't as big a deal in the aviation community. It's more about the quals up to O-4, and even then, people know the score when there's a limited qualified O-4 walking around.

That's not to say that Rg9 shouldn't be "allowed" (for lack of a better word) to know a) when his promotion is and b) able to include his wife if he's at home (as opposed to underway).


Internet killed the television star
Perhaps the reason is because amongst the officers (outside of the TRACOM), paygrade isn't as big a deal in the aviation community. It's more about the quals up to O-4, and even then, people know the score when there's a limited qualified O-4 walking around.

That's not to say that Rg9 shouldn't be "allowed" (for lack of a better word) to know a) when his promotion is and b) able to include his wife if he's at home (as opposed to underway).

Yeah, I agree with that, especially outside of a TRACOM, hell, at NPS nobody cared about rank, even Marines. Still, that shouldn't take away from someone being proud of a promotion and a command taking the time to recognize it. Maybe not chokers and large medals recognition, but something nonetheless.

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
I had actually been getting paid for LTJG for 3 months, but the XO liked having a Bull Ensign around to cause mischief, which was right up my alley..
I checked into my first squadron as an ENS while on deployment. The AIO was the Bull and had been looking forward to my checking in for a long time so she could hand it off to me (being the "senior" ENS....). The squadron was split site Misawa & Adak. I got off the MAC flight at 0900 was picked up by my sponsor and asked "do you want to go to Adak in 3 hours? Your new crew is going there for a month." "Sure" I said and we took my bags straight out to the plane and I joined the preflight while my sponser had the SDO stamp my orders checking me in and issue me new travel orders.

The Changing of the Bull was a big deal in that squadron requiring appropriate ceremony, food and alcoholic beverages. All on the outgoing Bull's dime. Come 1900 at the BOQ bar, the Bull had everyone assembled ready to turn over when....no me. I'm half way to Adak. I'm told everyone enjoyed her food & booze while she pouted.

So a month later my crew heads back to Misawa arriving at midnight. The next morning I run into The Bull as I am heading to Admin. She is ecstatic. "You're back!"..."Uh, yeah"...."Great! See you tonight at the turnover!"...."Okay...." (not knowing what the hell she is talking about) . I continue to Admin and do all the check in stuff I never did before going to Adak. That's when the YN1 says "sign here"...congrats you are a LTJG as of 2 days ago. Awesome!

1900 rolls around and we all head to the BOQ bar for an AOM (I still don't know about the whole Bull turnover thing). The Bull stands up and kicks off the festivites....
Bull: "Welcome everyone, tonight we ordain a new Bull!"
CO: "We do?"
Bull: "Yes Sir! ENS XXXX is 6 months senior to me and he's finally back from Adak to assume his rightful place!"
CO: "ENS XXXX, didn't I just sign papers making you a JG?"
Me: "Yes Sir, I got them just this morning Sir"
Bull: "FUCK, SHIT"
CO: "Hey guess what everyone? The Bull brought us some food and booze!"

Edit: I forgot to mention that, like MasterBates, she ended up having LTJG delayed for a few months while waiting for another ENS to check in.