Sarcastic and not narrow minded. Of course people struggle and I have a special appreciation for it. That is my sister in law's gift to me. My question re health care (insurance) was serious though. Really, you have a low paying job the ACA is there. You don't sign up, your fault, and I resent having to pay for your medical bills by other means passed on to tax payers. Your income very low or you are indigent, you have Medicaid. There may be some exceptions to that scheme, but it is not common. Most all folks without insurance are being irresponsible. I know people just like that, including some kin. Employed without workplace benefits, they simply do not take advantage of other options. If I am way off base, please let me know. I have been in the system aiding my sister in law for years. She is AFU. Takes over $1000 of meds a month, has had two surgeries on her finger, one on a shoulder, broken arm, eye surgery, tons of dental work including surgery, in hospitals for mental health, and that is off the top of my head for the last 2-3 years. All that on Medicare including a couple supplementals she pays extra for. Oh, and section 8 housing subsidies. She hasn't worked in two decades. You are damned right it is hard. But it is rare people go hungry for any amount of time or without getting health care unless they have truly fallen through the cracks ( curable with effort and attention by the right people/programs) or are unable to care for themselves. I have strong feelings about mental health care in America. Some folks do need to be forcibly cared for. But mostly I see people simply not taking advantage of what is out there, even if it is the bare safety net.
Oh, and my favorite WTF. We actually have people that do have the ACA coverage, and still just roll into the ER for strep throat or sore back instead of going to a primary care doc. They are incredulous when told their insurance will not pay for the ER or they have a large copay. Some Americans are not looking to be a part of the solution. They think they deserve better than what America's tax payers are doing for them.