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CJCS responds to Rep. Gaetz


Well-Known Member
Hawaii still remains the most racist state in America. I’ve been to every one of them (except Maine…sorry Maine) and they are worse than Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, and California.

Not sure what it is about the Hawaiian “culture” but I’ve seen more incidents of outright harassment, assaults, and even open derision there than any other place I’ve been.

Don’t lecture us about diversity and inclusiveness if you can’t get your own state in check man, you have zero credibility and nobody is going to listen to what you say.
I don’t live in Hawaii.

Sucks to be the minority though doesn’t it?


Dirty Hinge
I don’t live in Hawaii.

Sucks to be the minority though doesn’t it?
I grew up a minority in the southern San Jouaquin Valley. Over 70% Hispanic, my pale face was definitely the exception to the rule. It didn’t give me an excuse to blame everyone else for any of my deficiencies as a student or human being, I refused to let the color of my skin define my existence. What a weird concept.

Happy to let you Google the statistics working against a successful outcome being raised in the area between Fresno and Bakersfield, they are worse than anywhere you lived, unless you lived there.

I don’t claim to have worked “ten times harder” than anyone, I did what I had to do to escape (pay attention in class, show up to school, a couple extracurricular activities, working a job from the age of 13) got accepted into a couple affordable colleges, picked one that suited my needs, went there, succeeded.

It really IS that easy in the USA. Anyone claiming otherwise is speaking disingenuously.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what it is about the Hawaiian “culture” but I’ve seen more incidents of outright harassment, assaults, and even open derision there than any other place I’ve been.
I was stationed in Hawaii for years. The people there seemed to be the nicest people on the planet. My neighbors were born and raised and would give you the shirt off their back. I never had any issues. My coworkers did though. But, my coworkers were also the types who had no respect for the culture.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
At least the Principality of Sealand has issued passports from time to time.
The passports issued by the Iroquois Confederacy haven't worked so well post 9/11. In 2010 the Iroquois men's lacrosse team was not allowed to travel to the UK for the World Championship. https://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/17/sports/17lacrosse.html I was there, and seeing the Iroquois Nationals play was highly anticipated by my boys. Since then both men's and women's teams with Confederacy passport have on other occasions been prohibited from international travel to play. The men's team made an appearance in the Denver for the Worlds some years ago and went to Israel as well. But what the EU calls "fantasy passports" don't hack it. Sealandians are not welcome in Davos.


Well-Known Member
When did you move?

“I live in Kauai like @Treetop Flyer guessed. It is mostly sunny year round. Gets rainy sometimes but enough sunlight to power the place.”

A few weeks ago when I my work offered me telework full time.

I still got my place there though.

I wish I could say I moved to Austin like all the other telework tech bros but I didnt. Think I’ll just bounce freely between west coast and kauai for now.
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Well-Known Member
I grew up a minority in the southern San Jouaquin Valley. Over 70% Hispanic, my pale face was definitely the exception to the rule. It didn’t give me an excuse to blame everyone else for any of my deficiencies as a student or human being, I refused to let the color of my skin define my existence. What a weird concept.

Happy to let you Google the statistics working against a successful outcome being raised in the area between Fresno and Bakersfield, they are worse than anywhere you lived, unless you lived there.

I don’t claim to have worked “ten times harder” than anyone, I did what I had to do to escape (pay attention in class, show up to school, a couple extracurricular activities, working a job from the age of 13) got accepted into a couple affordable colleges, picked one that suited my needs, went there, succeeded.

It really IS that easy in the USA. Anyone claiming otherwise is speaking disingenuously.

Don’t you find it a problem that the only chance a lot of people in lower socioeconomic background have to be successful is to enlist in the military?

The Black Sabbath song War Pigs talked about this 51 years ago-

“Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah”

Military loves to prey on poor people from all races to enlist.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he considers himself a resident of the Kingdom of Hawai'i. ?
It’s funny you mention that.

There is a kingdom of Ataooi on the west side of Kauai. They started issuing their own license plates and stuff. Consider themselves an independent nation. Got their own government IDs too. It’s insane.

To make it even more weird. They announced they got a foreign minister a few years ago.

No other then a former F-14 pilot who was CAG for one of the air wings but then got himself arrested on his staff tour the year after for DTS fraud. So he works now for their kingdom. It’s so weird. He’s even the current director of tailhook foundation.


Treetop Flyer

Well-Known Member
Don’t you find it a problem that the only chance a lot of people in lower socioeconomic background have to be successful is to enlist in the military?

The Black Sabbath song War Pigs talked about this 51 years ago-

“Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah”

Military loves to prey on poor people from all races to enlist.
Do you have to keep a list of your various victim statuses?