That's interesting. I'm all for helo guys getting a shot at the V-22, and I get why it no longer makes sense to have the COD & AEW communities together, but I'm surprised HSC leadership would be on board with the merger. Haven't we already seen the results of letting ass-n-trash HC types lead tactical communities? No offense, @Pags; you're one of the good ones.Don't really know why there is push back to bringing helo bubbas in, and don't really care. Bottom line, it's already happening and will continue. Not sure if you noticed, but the major results now list one Maj CMD Ashore possibility as HELSEACOMBATWING/FLELOGMMWING. All three selected are HSC bubbas. If not is not slated there this year, someone will be next year likely.
I imagine there will be some sort of rotation, so now every 3rd CDRE will be a day-only COD driver? Also, HSC Wings already manage 4 TMSes (60H, 60S, 53, and MQ-8). I'd love to know the background on this decision.