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Deleted member 24525

All I see on TV, web and radio are ads telling people to "do your part, stay home". There are some that will take that to mean, "don't leave your house."

but not “stay indoors”


Well-Known Member
Who is telling people to stay indoors? I haven’t seen that. Maybe in crowded cities where going outside creates a immediate contact with someone-like in Chicago or New York.
Our outdoors have never had so many people. The paths, parks, and woods are full. Trailhead parking lots full. Everyone's out walking their dogs, or just walking.


Well-Known Member
but not “stay indoors”

Correct. My previous post was not in regards specifically to older people/retired people wanting everyone to "stay inside," but that they were emphatic that the shutdown should not be relaxed...and everyone should "stay home." That inserted into my previous post gives the full context.


Professional Pot Stirrer
It's happened in multiple meatpacking plants across the country, and has resulted in the threat of food shortages and the need to is the Defense Production Act to keep them open (which primarily releases the plant operators from liability?) It was predictable.

I am, but I'm not a blanket "stay at home" advocate. I'm also not a "no big deal stay the course" advocate which has resulted in, again, a threat to our food supply. Those people didn't stay at home, but they also weren't properly protected, were they?

Go back upthread, and I've had guys working for me developing PPE for hospitals to include masks and PAPRs. Every employee at these plants should be provided with enough PPE to give high assurance they won't get sick. It's not rocket science that working elbow to elbow in crowded conditions lends itself to viral transmission.

Do you think CAPT Crozier overreacted?
That’s not the impression I have been getting from your posts. My impression has been that you are a fan of shut it all down. If not then I have misread or interpreted.

I have no opinion either way about Capt Cozier. Wasn’t there and wasn’t in his shoes. I don’t think we know or will ever know all the facts.


Low calorie attack from the Heartland
Who is telling people to stay indoors? I haven’t seen that. Maybe in crowded cities where going outside creates a immediate contact with someone-like in Chicago or New York.

I see and hear the phrase "stay inside" at lot in various forms of media. Example include comments made my famous people during popular Youtube "broadcasts", sound-bites from high-ranking policy officials, and wording on highway marquees here in CA. I generally think the sentiment is intended as "stay home", but words matter.

Seeing people driving their cars with masks on is LOL funny. Data and testing limitations aside, if the virus were that infectious, the "slope of the curve" would be practically vertical.


Well-Known Member
That’s not the impression I have been getting from your posts. My impression has been that you are a fan of shut it all down. If not then I have misread or interpreted.
I am a fan of treating this as the real deal. Either have people distance or give them the PPE to do their job without getting sick. Even if you don't kill people, you can lose a pile of folks due to being unable to work, and be forced to shut down an industry. Midway Control Tower, anyone?

Somewhere in between "It's a big deal - lock it all down" and "it's no big deal - open it all up" is "It's a big deal - but we have to open it up". That's where I'm at.


"I live vicariously through myself."
I see and hear the phrase "stay inside" at lot in various forms of media. Example include comments made my famous people during popular Youtube "broadcasts", sound-bites from high-ranking policy officials, and wording on highway marquees here in CA. I generally think the sentiment is intended as "stay home", but words matter.

Seeing people driving their cars with masks on is LOL funny. Data and testing limitations aside, if the virus were that infectious, the "slope of the curve" would be practically vertical.

Yesterday I saw a guy in my neighborhood out in his front yard, by himself, pulling weeds. He was wearing a mask and gloves. Not gardening gloves, blue rubber surgical gloves. And these people vote.


Registered User

Deleted member 24525

Yesterday I saw a guy in my neighborhood out in his front yard, by himself, pulling weeds. He was wearing a mask and gloves. Not gardening gloves, blue rubber surgical gloves. And these people vote.

a lot of people wear masks outdoors this time of year-especially with allergies. This is one of the worst times for that. Can’t speak to the gloves.


Well-Known Member
Remember way back when and we talked on this thread about how “they” were finding ways to count non-covid deaths as covid-related? Me too...

Don’t fuck with the narrative comrade. . .