Losing a couple shifts at MDW tower pales in comparison to a second Great Depression. That was big news at the time. Now it’s pretty small potatoes. It’s all relative.I am a fan of treating this as the real deal. Either have people distance or give them the PPE to do their job without getting sick. Even if you don't kill people, you can lose a pile of folks due to being unable to work, and be forced to shut down an industry. Midway Control Tower, anyone?
Somewhere in between "It's a big deal - lock it all down" and "it's no big deal - open it all up" is "It's a big deal - but we have to open it up". That's where I'm at.
I agree with @FrankTheTank . I feel like your opinion has changed over time on this, which is of course perfectly acceptable.
That being said, one of the things that interest me on here is watching people seem to come around on this. I asked one guy who resigned post-DH to go to the airlines what changed his mind but I’m pretty sure he has me on ignore since I’ve gotten no answer. I would’ve figured him to be screaming to the high heavens to end the lockdowns and get back to work but there are lots of people whose views have surprised me. Like I’ve posted here several times, a lot of us here are in the white-collar “we can work from home” jobs or still in the military and guaranteed a paycheck demographic. It seems to me that a significant portion of us whose livelihoods are dependent on the travel industry seem to be advocating in a different direction (with the exception of two outliers). Is this the only factor? No. But I think it certainly informs our thought processes.
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