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DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
And, of course, there is good reason for the ordinary approval procedures of the FDA.
Yep, one day in the not to distant future, civilization is going to resume. For sure, deal with the national emergency at hand but we don't need to throw away the process for everything else in normal life. I have a feeling some people might have forgotten the real reason why the FDA process takes so long.


Registered User


Bullets don't fly without Supply
That's weird, pretty sure MDSP said they were only going to ask people their reason for being out if they were already stopped for something else. I think that's the better approach. There's enough people here donning their tin foil hats and calling the governor a dictator because of the lockdown, without the police pulling drivers over just to ask them what they're doing. The cop must've been bored.

I was just passing along what was mentioned from our CEO on our all-hands call a week or so ago. He didn't elaborate on the reason for the stop, just what I said, A contractor was stopped and when he didn't have papers saying he was working for the utility was asked to return home.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
Not related to covid, but I think some good insight into why certain people (self included) no longer implicitly trust the ‘impartial’ Fourth Estate.

Social media has some pretty kooky shit flying around—which this is not—but my point is about your remark that I underlined. Most of the well established media inflicted this one on themselves and I think a lot of the weird stuff is partly because of a grassroots, little guy pushback. A lot of it is because there are kooky tinfoil hat people out there, but again I do think some of it is from people being tired of mainstream news masquerading as impartial.

The whole thing pisses me off.

(Luckily there are still some decent places to get the news.)


Registered User
Social media has some pretty kooky shit flying around—which this is not—but my point is about your remark that I underlined. Most of the well established media inflicted this one on themselves and I think a lot of the weird stuff is partly because of a grassroots, little guy pushback. A lot of it is because there are kooky tinfoil hat people out there, but again I do think some of it is from people being tired of mainstream news masquerading as impartial.

The whole thing pisses me off.

(Luckily there are still some decent places to get the news.)

But the really sad part is that some of the viewership/readership actually believes that they’re impartial.


Not related to covid, but I think some good insight into why certain people (self included) no longer implicitly trust the ‘impartial’ Fourth Estate.

All media has bias and should be approached with a critical mindset. And when I say all media I'll include all the commenters, rumor mongers, and conspiracy artists on the internet, Twitter, etc. They're not all "bad" people but they are all doing their own thing. Don't think that they have your best interests at heart anymore than the traditional "liberal" media.


Well-Known Member
Where . . . . . ?
You can read any of the mainstream media, left and right, and after the stories are published they are wire-scrubbed by whichever side doesn't like the story in real time. At which point you can weigh the sides and make your own educated assessment.

The Hubble Space Telescope still has a shitty mirror that wasn't ground right. Once they knew how things were distorted, they were able to adapt. Same thing here.


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
Where . . . . . ?
? (I'm laughing and crying)

In no particular order (and I said "decent," not perfect)

NPR, BBC, Al Jazeera English (says a lot that I'd rather read that than watch CNN headline/Fox 24-7 blather/MSNBC)

NYT has quality technical coverage of COVID (a lot of online and TV coverage tells me the talking heads and the audience understand science about as well as "math class is tough" Teen Talk Barbie... probably the same mouth breathers who lift up their corona masks to cough or skip washing their hands in a public washroom).

These aren't the only ones, there are some more.


Registered User
All media has bias and should be approached with a critical mindset. And when I say all media I'll include all the commenters, rumor mongers, and conspiracy artists on the internet, Twitter, etc. They're not all "bad" people but they are all doing their own thing. Don't think that they have your best interests at heart anymore than the traditional "liberal" media.
Uh huh. I don’t disagree with you, but it seems as thought the scales are awfully tilted these days...

For reference, Sam Vinograd is a CNN National Security Analyst. Someone also asked her who headed up Bill Clinton’s Task Force on National Health Care Reform. Hasn’t responded yet.



Where . . . . . ?
I guess a lot of that depends on how you as the recipient define "decent places". There's a difference between accuracy and perceived accuracy. And I don't mean that as an attack on anyone's politics just an observation of the fact that people want different things from the news.


Uh huh. I don’t disagree with you, but it seems as thought the scales are awfully tilted these days...

For reference, Sam Vinograd is a CNN National Security Analyst. Someone also asked her who headed up Bill Clinton’s Task Force on National Health Care Reform. Hasn’t responded yet.

View attachment 25138View attachment 25139
I'm not sure what to do with this other than shrug my shoulders. As to how to measure YOUR perception of where we are now I'm not sure where you could go to get an objective answer to that.

My personal perception is that the 24hr news networks are far more interested in making churn to sell commercials. Some of that churn can come from idealogical differences between the various networks. I'm sure if you switched the boards of Fox and CNN and MSNBC we as viewers would never know the difference because there's value to them in having different pools of viewers to guarantee their #s and value in highlighting their differences.


Well-Known Member
24hr news networks...
The beginning of the end right there. That, and the evening Newsertainment opinion shows from 7-11.

Edit: this might better fit into the Civil War thread, but back in those days, every town had two papers, one for one side, and one for the other. Everything old is new again.


Registered User
I'm not sure what to do with this other than shrug my shoulders. As to how to measure YOUR perception of where we are now I'm not sure where you could go to get an objective answer to that.

My personal perception is that the 24hr news networks are far more interested in making churn to sell commercials. Some of that churn can come from idealogical differences between the various networks. I'm sure if you switched the boards of Fox and CNN and MSNBC we as viewers would never know the difference because there's value to them in having different pools of viewers to guarantee their #s and value in highlighting their differences.
So this example is to show that the end goal of these people is to advance the narrative no matter what. The narrative here is Orange Man Bad.

Now, this reporter is either too stupid to understand what she’s saying here, or doesn’t know enough about American political history to be able to make intelligent commentary about the situation. (See also: James Roosevelt and Milton Eisenhower. Neither side is immune to having family members as advisers; but that’s not the purpose of her post: Orange Man Bad, Orange Man Dictator.)

But yet she still posts this. Advance the narrative at all costs.


Well-Known Member
So this example is to show that the end goal of these people is to advance the narrative no matter what. The narrative here is Orange Man Bad.

Now, this reporter is either too stupid to understand what she’s saying here, or doesn’t know enough about American political history to be able to make intelligent commentary about the situation. (See also: James Roosevelt and Milton Eisenhower. Neither side is immune to having family members as advisers; but that’s not the purpose of her post: Orange Man Bad, Orange Man Dictator.)

But yet she still posts this. Advance the narrative at all costs.

It's telling that you think Vinograd is a reporter.