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So this example is to show that the end goal of these people is to advance the narrative no matter what. The narrative here is Orange Man Bad.

Now, this reporter is either too stupid to understand what she’s saying here, or doesn’t know enough about American political history to be able to make intelligent commentary about the situation. (See also: James Roosevelt and Milton Eisenhower. Neither side is immune to having family members as advisers; but that’s not the purpose of her post: Orange Man Bad, Orange Man Dictator.)

But yet she still posts this. Advance the narrative at all costs.
Hey, you clicked on it and generated the ad revenue. So the profit goal has been met.

You're being played.


Registered User
Hey, you clicked on it and generated the ad revenue. So the profit goal has been met.

You're being played.
She gets ad revenue from my seeing someone retweet her Twitter post? Please explain to me how this works.

p.s. if I didn’t click on anything and just screenshotted it...remind me again how I clicked on it?

p.p.s. looks like you just got played.


Registered User
Do you think there is a difference between Chris Wallace and Sean Hannity?
Don’t know enough about either to answer that question. What would your responses have been if I answered either way? Like, pretend I’m the fly and I DID get caught in your web.


Well-Known Member
Replace reporter with CNN talking head then. In my mind there’s not a difference. It’s telling that you think there is one.

Great investigative journalism on your part though. Finding a tweet from a cable news paid contributor (who they introduce as a former Obama administration official) that is critical of having POTUS's kid and son-in-law on a council to reopen the economy, really exposes media bias...?

You're a modern day Woodward and Bernstein.


She gets ad revenue from my seeing someone retweet her Twitter post? Please explain to me how this works.

p.s. if I didn’t click on anything and just screenshotted it...remind me again how I clicked on it?

p.p.s. looks like you just got played.
I actually dont know how Twitter's revenue works but I'd assume that because it's been shared many times it's increased the exposure of the article. Even if you didn't click on the link others did. Also, CNN's "brand" is getting free advertising by being shared. If you like that brand you may now go click on something you might have missed before.


Registered User
Great investigative journalism on your part though. Finding a tweet from a cable news paid contributor (who they introduce as a former Obama administration official) that is critical of having POTUS's kid and son-in-law on a council to reopen the economy, really exposes media bias...?

You're a modern day Woodward and Bernstein.
As they say, that tweet didn’t age well. Tables have turned devil dog. Fantastic reporting yourself. Are you going to be played by Redford or Hoffman?



Registered User
I actually dont know how Twitter's revenue works but I'd assume that because it's been shared many times it's increased the exposure of the article. Even if you didn't click on the link others did. Also, CNN's "brand" is getting free advertising by being shared. If you like that brand you may now go click on something you might have missed before.
Dude, there’s no link to click on. Tweets don’t have to have an embedded link.

If CNN’s brand IS in fact getting free advertising because of the retweets, doesn’t that prove my point anyway?


Well-Known Member
As they say, that tweet didn’t age well. Tables have turned devil dog. Fantastic reporting yourself. Are you going to be played by Redford or Hoffman?

Teufel, you were calling a former Obama official, who is paid by that network to comment on national security matters, a reporter. I guess to highlight why that particular network is against the Orange Man (your term).

You grabbed a tweet of her commenting on the ethics of nepotism, and then referenced past bad cases of nepotism. Her comments were probably based off of this report from the straight shooters over at checks notes FoxNews.

But, I guess everything is now OBE or Fake News, because the kids aren't on the council I guess.


Registered User
Question for the masses here: wasn’t the rationale for a national shutdown to flatten the curve and avoid hospitals from being overrun? Now that we know that isn’t happening anywhere, why has the lockdown rationale suddenly shifted to we can’t go back to work without a vaccine?


Registered User
Teufel, you were calling a former Obama official, who is paid by that network to comment on national security matters, a reporter. I guess to highlight why that particular network is against the Orange Man (your term).

You grabbed a tweet of her commenting on the ethics of nepotism, and then referenced past bad cases of nepotism. Her comments were probably based off of this report from the straight shooters over at checks notes FoxNews.

But, I guess everything is now OBE or Fake News, because the kids aren't on the council I guess.
Again, I said I don’t see the difference. Go back and edit my post if you have the juice; make the original one say talking head. I don’t care. My opinion that CNN (and their employees) are biased against the President isn’t changing.


Well-Known Member
...why has the lockdown rationale suddenly shifted to we can’t go back to work without a vaccine?
Red herring. Everyone agrees we need to get it in control so we can test and contact trace and PPE and handwash to get back to work.


Question for the masses here: wasn’t the rationale for a national shutdown to flatten the curve and avoid hospitals from being overrun? Now that we know that isn’t happening anywhere, why has the lockdown rationale suddenly shifted to we can’t go back to work without a vaccine?
I'd offer that those are two different discussions.
  1. The initial and most pressing need for the shutdown was to prevent hospitals from being overrun. That seems to have worked for the initial wave
  2. The next question is now what? How do we go back to work when there's still community spread? Do we need to wait for a vaccine? Can we balance this somehow? Are masks and staying away enough? Can we get enough contact tracing resources in place to effectively tamp down future outbreaks?


Again, I said I don’t see the difference. Go back and edit my post if you have the juice; make the original one say talking head. I don’t care. My opinion that CNN (and their employees) are biased against the President isn’t changing.
I don't think anyone is telling you to change your opinion. We're just saying that you shouldn't be surprised by your opinion.