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Dude, there’s no link to click on. Tweets don’t have to have an embedded link.

If CNN’s brand IS in fact getting free advertising because of the retweets, doesn’t that prove my point anyway?
I'm not sure what point we're discussing anymore.

I think your point is that CNN is peddling a story against the president. In which case, yes, the retweets are furthering their story and the exposure of the story.

My point is that CNN is making money by these actions and by advancing narratives that appeal to their customer base (selling papers). We shouldn't be surprised that a business is doing things that make them money.

To tie the points together, yes, CNN is probably "advancing a narrative." But I'd offer that is has more to do with selling papers than it does to some sort of conspiracy.


Registered User
I'd offer that those are two different discussions.
  1. The initial and most pressing need for the shutdown was to prevent hospitals from being overrun. That seems to have worked for the initial wave
  2. The next question is now what? How do we go back to work when there's still community spread? Do we need to wait for a vaccine? Can we balance this somehow? Are masks and staying away enough? Can we get enough contact tracing resources in place to effectively tamp down future outbreaks?
Yes, hence why there were TWO questions in there.

We’ve flattened the curve. I would think that’s pretty obvious by now. So, mission accomplished.

For your next part, it’s not a “can we balance this” it’s a “we MUST balance this”.

I posed that exact same question to a group of fellow airline pilots, all Navy/Marine background. Their answers were markedly different than this group so far. Not only in their political beliefs, but their desire to keep their jobs.

I’d be interested to see who here who’s going to get paid by Uncle Sam (or are independently wealthy) so they can advocate a “wait and see” approach, vice those who need the economy to open in order to keep their livelihoods.


Well-Known Member
Is it still not in control? Would love to hear your opinion on this.
Not yet. Well, it is in control in the sense that we've controlled it by draconian lockdown. But not ready for an in-between state, with the key thing lacking is the testing and the setup to do contract tracing. Otherwise we're back to flying blind.

Plus, more PPE for workers. Guys in the Sioux Falls meat plant (for example) should be wearing PAPR gear like this. We're making our own to support our technicians working right next to each other.


Yes, hence why there were TWO questions in there.

We’ve flattened the curve. I would think that’s pretty obvious by now. So, mission accomplished.

For your next part, it’s not a “can we balance this” it’s a “we MUST balance this”.

I posed that exact same question to a group of fellow airline pilots, all Navy/Marine background. Their answers were markedly different than this group so far. Not only in their political beliefs, but their desire to keep their jobs.

I’d be interested to see who here who’s going to get paid by Uncle Sam (or are independently wealthy) so they can advocate a “wait and see” approach, vice those who need the economy to open in order to keep their livelihoods.
I can see why a bunch of airline pilots would have a different viewpoint. Their balls are a lot closer to the bandsaw with this one. That said, it doesn't matter who pays your bills, if the machine doesn't get spun back up soon we'll all be worried about our balls because without people getting paid there's no money to tax, etc. I think most people get that but are trying figure out how to walk the tightrope.


Well-Known Member
Waiting for a vaccine isn’t an option and anyone who says otherwise is disconnected from reality
That would be my childhood friends sister (kinda my friend to), she keeps posting that since we won't have a vaccine for 12-18 months we just need to keep doing what we are doing for that time, of course to put things in perspective she is also the same person that is extremely anti-abortion yet talks about how the only candidates we should be voting for are Democrat, I think my buddy hit her on the head too much when they were kids LOL


Registered User
That would be my childhood friends sister (kinda my friend to), she keeps posting that since we won't have a vaccine for 12-18 months we just need to keep doing what we are doing for that time, of course to put things in perspective she is also the same person that is extremely anti-abortion yet talks about how the only candidates we should be voting for are Democrat, I think my buddy hit her on the head too much when they were kids LOL


Well-Known Member
I'd offer that those are two different discussions.
  1. The initial and most pressing need for the shutdown was to prevent hospitals from being overrun. That seems to have worked for the initial wave
  2. The next question is now what? How do we go back to work when there's still community spread? Do we need to wait for a vaccine? Can we balance this somehow? Are masks and staying away enough? Can we get enough contact tracing resources in place to effectively tamp down future outbreaks?

My thought is we need to get back to work and get the country moving again, there has to be a way to do it in a way that we minimize risk, maybe staggering the number of people at work, keeping those that can WFH doing that and ensuring those that cannot are taking precautions., start slow, evaluate, then adjust as necessary.

There is no perfect answer and whatever is decided on will not make everyone happy and will be criticized by people no matter what.


Super Moderator
Here’s another article. Do you think the President wasn’t briefed on this before he talked about it??

I haven't a clue, but since he is often inaccurate or just plain wrong with many of his claims I wonder where he got this particular info to begin with.

I find it interesting that folks have been arguing over a medicine that may or may not work, when almost no one here is qualified to say whether it does or not. Our resident docs haven't chimed in so we are left to argue as a bunch of amateurs, like a bunch of docs arguing what aircraft is the best ASW platform.

Frankly I would hope that existing drugs help with this virus and if chloroquine works then great, if not it would be disappointing. What I do have an issue with is folks, for whatever reason, gloaming onto one treatment or another and then plowing ahead at full speed without sufficient evidence that it works. At the same time trumpeting whenever successes, even small or inconclusive ones, as a triumph of foresight and genius. Medicine isn't easy, and when trying to find treatments for a new virus it isn't quick either. The development of treatments take time, and finding out whether the cure is worse than the disease is part of that time.
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