This is seriously crappy advice. Screw the Navy for a little extra BAH, screw your friends for "wedding gifts" when in truth you're already married, etc... Seriously, if you are old enough to be married, you should be old enough to tell the truth. Apparently HONOR was left out of your contract w/ the Navy since lying comes so easily.
I don't plan on lying to anyone. The Navy or relatives and friends. The real question is whether or not making our plans happen earlier than previously planned would be in any way a benefit to the both of us on whether or not we will be able to stay together and whether or not I will be able to afford to keep her in school or not.
I have no want or need to lie and the money is far from the reason I am planning to marry her. I love her and she loves me. That is the sole reason I want to marry her.
What I don't want is to decide to set our wedding date a little later and find out that if we had set it sooner that we could have stayed together in the P,cola area for the majority of the time. That also allowing her to continue to work toward her dream of getting into journalism after getting her degree.
Please do not mistake my intentions for those of in any way working the system or conning the Navy or anyone else. I simply want to meet 3 goals.
1. Not screw up anything for flight school
2. Not screw up anything for her education
3. Make the whole process as easy as possible on our relationship
We have been together for close to 5 years now, 4 of them being long distance. It is time for us to be together physically. I want to live with her again and right now I am trying to do whatever I can do to attempt to meet all 3 goals at the same time.
I know that it may not work out but if I have a slight possibility then I will do whatever it takes.
I would hope that most of you would understand where I am coming from on this.
I have only good intentions.