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Discharged Naval Reserve Officer & Ex-LAPD Cop Goes Rogue


Registered User
I guess that means my hard-earned sharpshooter thingie makes me "merely proficient." :(

Hey, not trying to put anyone down. Just saying the media's spinning it like that qual means he's some sort of highly trained killer....when in reality we all know he just achieved the bare minimum standard on a purely target shooting qualification.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
I'm curious how much money they are spending to try to catch this guy. I know San Diego is going bat-shit crazy looking for this guy. I'm sure LA is doing the same thing.
He knows he's a 'dead man running', which really makes him a public menace. Hope no innocent civs or LE, get wasted enroute to, or at the inevitable resolution.:eek:


The pastures are greener!
Super Moderator
I went to OCS with the guy. Never would have guessed this though.


New Member
Gee, funny thing about the post asking about where to draw the line on costs in searching for this guy when in actuality it's incidents like this that will cost California 10 fold the cost of the manhunt.

Maybe those ladies were carrying high capacity newspapers? :p

In all seriousness though, the reaction from LAPD hasn't really been a surprise to most LA natives... we're not exactly talking about a police department known for being a bastion of integrity. The shooting almost feels like they've gone ahead and proven the guy's point


The pastures are greener!
Super Moderator
I did't think he was a bad guy at OCS. He seemed just as normal as the next guy. I just think he snapped with what happened with the LAPD. Either way, he is going about this the wrong way


Well-Known Member
Either way, he is going about this the wrong way
Talk about the understatement of the year...

I liked how in his manifesto he said that he was going to use skills he learned at NMITC to gather intelligence. So somewhere, he's browsing the internet and building powerpoint slideshows...


Nihongo dame desu
My sister caries a badge (though she's not LE) in one of the affected counties. I'll definitely sleep better when this guy is caught.

I do think it's interesting that the LAPD's response (shooting the truck) actually makes one this wackjob's points about how the LAPD has a culture of violence.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the death toll from LAPD being trigger happy will be worse than his?

I've seen the "Cop Life > Civilian Life" attitude in my relatives who are cops. Yes, "we only want to go home at the end of the shift" is one thing.. But opening fire on ladies who are delivering papers? Who weren't warned? YGTBSM.

Marines are in a place where their lives are at much at risk as LAPD. In a war zone. Yet, if two Marines did this in Afghanistan, they would be in deep shit.


I don’t care if I hurt your feelings
Marines are in a place where their lives are at much at risk as LAPD. In a war zone. Yet, if two Marines did this in Afghanistan, they would be in deep shit.

I'm more confused on how they didn't immediately realize the difference between two ladies delivering paper and a quite large, well fed, over sized 275 lbs black man carrying a weapon. That's beyond me. Granted, a police officers job is extremely difficult, so I will refrain from judgement until other facts are revealed. I would suspect the police officers involved will not go unpunished and I would be surprised if they didn't lose their jobs


Well-Known Member
Concur Chris Dorner has indeed snapped and needs to be brought to justice. You know- the US Legal system type of justice.

When I was in Los Angeles Friday for a meeting, I was absolutely blown away with the media coverage on the 2 attempted summary executions of Chris Dorner with just a 30 second clip. (The Asian newspaper delivery ladies getting shot in the back while sitting in their vehicle). The media is reporting about where Chris Dorner physically isn't and where he may have gone. Almost nothing about the LAPD officers that fired on those ladies with no verbal warnings and the Torrance PD shooting incident(reportedly to verbal warnings). LAPD Chief Beck blew it off as a "case of mistaken identity" and refused to discuss it further in a TV interview.

If those two shootings of civilians occurred in Northern California, the media would have been all over it with some additional investigating of possible police corruption. What I'm getting at is that it appears LAPD has execute on site standing orders for Mr. Dorner. From what others at the meeting were saying, a lot of TV viewers are beginning to think that LAPD has a bit too much influence on how the local LA media is covering the story. It's simply bizarre to watch.

I suppose we'll know for sure when the "Blue Thunder" helo gets added to the 2014 LAPD budget.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
The media is reporting about where Chris Dorner physically isn't and where he may have gone. Almost nothing about the LAPD officers that fired on those ladies with no verbal warnings and the Torrance PD shooting incident(reportedly to verbal warnings). LAPD Chief Beck blew it off as a "case of mistaken identity" and refused to discuss it further in a TV interview.

If those two shootings of civilians occurred in Northern California, the media would have been all over it with some additional investigating of possible police corruption. What I'm getting at is that it appears LAPD has execute on site standing orders for Mr. Dorner. From what others at the meeting were saying, a lot of TV viewers are beginning to think that LAPD has a bit too much influence on how the local LA media is covering the story. It's simply bizarre to watch.
It's simply sad, how low all the media have sunk re: true, fair & balanced reporting of all areas of news, especially when politics are involved. The old print media header byline "No Fear, No Favor - The People's Paper", no longer applies!
I would suspect the police officers involved will not go unpunished and I would be surprised if they didn't lose their jobs
I'd be surprised if they did!

Given the past record of the LAPD WRT excessive use of force, corruption, profiling, coverups... plus LAPD Chief Beck's cavalier assertion that it is merely a "case of mistaken identity", the involved officers in the shooting incident, will walk UNLESS the public outcry is such that the free pass will not fly.:(