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Discharged Naval Reserve Officer & Ex-LAPD Cop Goes Rogue


Well-Known Member
Here is my take on it playing devil's advocate.
I will assume his complaints against LAPD have some merit. They may, they may not. I'm sure whatever merit they had will be swept under the rug and will be found meritless.

That being said.. Everyone has their breaking point. We found his. Many people don't know where theirs is, until you hit it.

In late 2006/early 2007 I was in a bad spot.

The following things had already happened:
Overzealous arrest by JSO officers. Tackled and kneed in the back, and cuffed, when I hadn't even been talked to. Grabbed me from behind.
Led out of squadron in cuffs. In uniform.
Charged with a crime I did not do, and had an airtight alibi for, as I was airborne during the alleged crime.
Threatened with UCMJ charges for UA by my command, even though they knew damn well where I was (jail) and knew before I was released it was on bogus charges.
Handed a Domestic Violence Restraining Order by the court, even though all charges had been dropped by the DA's office, and my ex wife claimed I was violent due to alien abduction. She claimed that under oath.
Barred from flying due to DVRO. I was prohibited from having access to weapons, Commodore deemed an unarmed 60B a weapon.
Threatened with an ADSEP for said charges.
Still barred from flying even after HFB said I was OK to fly.
Removed from AOPS based on my UA.
Homeless. No money for food. Thrown out of my home. Literally clothes on my back, and the $30 I had in my wallet.

I had never been arraigned, no formal charges.

I had the following things looking like they had a strong probability of happening:
Revocation of security clearance
ADSEP from the Navy
Paying a large, greater than 70% of my take home pay to the ex for life
Owing more money in alimony and student loans than I made.
Continuing homelessness, and no sign of it ending.

I had NO SUPPORT from my command, the Navy, or the "Fleet/Famlily Support Center" *even though they were helping the ex.

I never got to the point where I made plans for anything like he has done, but I'd be lying if at some point a "Fuck the family court, and anyone involved with them" hadn't crossed my mind.

I did however, decide that if it went really bad in court, that leaving the US never to return the second I legally could.

Men are like animals.. You push one into the corner, at some point they either break or lash out.

He may just be a nutjob.

He may have been correct in how things went down, and he just snapped and this shit all makes sense to him.

LAPD's conduct is not helping their case.


The way this is panning out, I would definitely support universal background checks and a ban on high capacity magazines--for the LAPD!

It would appear to be appropriate for the death penalty to be administered to Dorner and the officers that killed the ladies delivering the paper. Murderers are murderers, and it really can be as simple as that.


Super Moderator
......It would appear to be appropriate for the death penalty to be administered to Dorner and the officers that killed the ladies delivering the paper. Murderers are murderers, and it really can be as simple as that.

Get your facts straight, the women were wounded and not killed. Also, intent plays a large part in deciding who gets tried for capital murder and stupid mistakes don't qualify.


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
It would appear to be appropriate for the death penalty to be administered to Dorner and the officers that killed the ladies delivering the paper. Murderers are murderers, and it really can be as simple as that.
Whoa, unless I've missed something in late breaking news, the two ladies are expected to survive... one with moderate, and the other minor injuries. Any charges against the LAPD shooters would not be for murder.


Well-Known Member
Get your facts straight, the women were wounded and not killed. Also, intent plays a large part in deciding who gets tried for capital murder and stupid mistakes don't qualify.
HOLEEE FUCK. What the FUCK is wrong with you. INTENT. Like the INTENT of identifying a vehicle?!? Got it, you're a liberal. HOWEVER. Explain to me how this shooting is justified.


Super Moderator
HOLEEE FUCK. What the FUCK is wrong with you. INTENT. Like the INTENT of identifying a vehicle?!? Got it, you're a liberal. HOWEVER. Explain to me how this shooting is justified.

Who the hell pissed in your cornflakes? I never said the shooting was justified, fail at reading comprehension. I just said that capital murder charges weren't going to happen because of stupid, in almost all cases capital murder charges require premeditation and planning to murder someone/s. That isn't a liberal interpretation or my opinion, just a fact. But hey, whatever floats your boat........


Well-Known Member
If I thought MS13 had a hit out on me and a man of Mexican descent is a blue dodge was coming to kill me, and I opened fire on two black women in a blue dodge..

I'd be charged with 1st Degree Murder.

And be eligible for the death penalty. Fear of my life or not.


New Member
As a SoCal native... how LAPD is acting really isn't a surprise at this point. It's as though they've gone out of their way to prove Dorner's point...

Also of note, LAPD said they'd buy a new truck for the two women who were shot...

This would be hilarious if it weren't reality


OCS 6 OCT 2013
According to some of my family and friends who are LE in the LA/Orange County area, a majority of the residences that are being protected by LAPD are being staffed by members of the Metropolitan Division. They are High Speed/ Low Drag type cops who have to meet higher standards in PT and at the range. http://www.lapdonline.org/metropolitan_division/content_basic_view/6360

Not sure if this has been touched on but Torrance Police opened fire on another truck the same night. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-torrance-shooting-20130210,0,3955268.story

Let's hope this whole thing ends quickly


DD-214 in hand and I'm gonna party like it's 1998
...They are High Speed/ Low Drag type cops who have to meet higher standards ...

With everything that has so far come to light in the story, the above statement gives me even less confidence in the LAPD :rolleyes:

(+1 for making an informative post, links and all, and because I really don't want you to think I'm attacking the messenger)


Well-Known Member
If Johnny Carson were alive today and once again play the role of "Carnac the Magnificent", he would hold the envelope to his forehead and authoritatively state... I see an Airwarriors.com member making a One Million dollars next week.

Seriously- $1M for a murderer? This appears to be confirmation that there may be more to the story than LAPD is comfortable with. And who specifically is providing those funds?

What was Dorner's AW name?



OCS 6 OCT 2013
Seriously- $1M for a murderer? This appears to be confirmation that there may be more to the story than LAPD is comfortable with. And who specifically is providing those funds?

It is being reported that AEG (owners of Staples Center) and Dodgers Baseball have contributed to the reward. No specifics as to how much. Every 6', 270lb African American Male will be having the Police called on him. No more than an two hours after the award was announced, the Police had a Lowe's Store under lockdown due to a "sighting". If Dorner wanted attention, he sure is getting it.


Nobel WAR Prize Aspirant
It is being reported that AEG (owners of Staples Center) and Dodgers Baseball have contributed to the reward. No specifics as to how much. Every 6', 270lb African American Male will be having the Police called on him. No more than an two hours after the award was announced, the Police had a Lowe's Store under lockdown due to a "sighting". If Dorner wanted attention, he sure is getting it.

$1 million
