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Enlisted get a shot at a seat in the cockpit


With such a small number of applicants being accepted to the program, and even fewer that will finish and wing, I don't think the slippery slope argument is quite valid right now. I think the army model with 20 warrants and 3 URLs per squadron is a long way off, if even a possibility since there are only 30 applicants this year.

Personally, if this program doesn't work out, I see a lot of these warrants being given normal commissions, since they're already very competitive applicants.


Well-Known Member
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Pags said:
With such a small number of applicants being accepted to the program, and even fewer that will finish and wing, I don't think the slippery slope argument is quite valid right now. I think the army model with 20 warrants and 3 URLs per squadron is a long way off, if even a possibility since there are only 30 applicants this year.

Personally, if this program doesn't work out, I see a lot of these warrants being given normal commissions, since they're already very competitive applicants.
Exactly. Come on, people. Go back and read the NAVADMIN and some of the stuff at the beginning of this thread to get in touch with why the Navy is doing this. That will eliminate the majority of the inane speculation seen in the last few posts.



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RetreadRand said:
There are a few things I am not sure I understand about the intent of the program:
I think you're over thinking the problem. Like I've said before, this is a targeted program, so you can't make inferences based on the fleet as a whole. Bottom line, there will be fewer URL JOs in the targeted communities - that's the intent. Everything else you stated, while well thought out, simply doesn't apply to this targeted program. While I've been in both LAMPS and VP communities (albeit as a maintainer), I'll leave it up to the folks who are currently engaged to address the specifics. People seem to be reading WAY too much into this program. Even if it has legs (something I seriously doubt), its impact will be highly targeted and likely provide minimal, but much appreciated relief to VP/HS guys trying to make the best of a difficult DH screening situation.



Brett327 said:
provide minimal, but much appreciated relief to VP/HS guys trying to make the best of a difficult DH screening situation.

This is what I don't understand. As far as I am aware DH screening is not an issue for us (HS). The last couple screening boards, we have had about 6-8 guys up for it and maybe 1 guy didn't screen. Where's the crunch? From what I can see on the squadron end is that we are low on DH's. Maybe they are forecasting a crunch as HS/HC merge into HSC?


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HH-60H said:
This is what I don't understand. As far as I am aware DH screening is not an issue for us (HS). The last couple screening boards, we have had about 6-8 guys up for it and maybe 1 guy didn't screen. Where's the crunch? From what I can see on the squadron end is that we are low on DH's. Maybe they are forecasting a crunch as HS/HC merge into HSC?
It's a HUGE issue for VP guys.



The way I see it is that its not going to affect people who are coming up on a DH screen anytime soon. It might not even affect dudes like me. If these pilots start the program within the next 6mo, it will probably take them at least 2 yrs to get to a fleet squadron. So, the JOs who get to the squadron about the same time as these winged warrants will have fewer guys to compete with for DH. So, instead of having 40 VP JOs fighting for a limited number of DH spots (how many can there be when there's only going to be like 2 squadrons?) you'll only have 20 clawing over each to get to the top. :)

but then again, just speculation, what do i know about manning?


Well-Known Member
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Pags said:
If these pilots start the program within the next 6mo, it will probably take them at least 2 yrs to get to a fleet squadron.
So what's your point? Think big picture, shipmate. The Navy's not doing this to benefit you or any specific yeargroup, but looks at it from a long term perspective. Come on, people - this is not rocket science. How about we all get our heads in the game, yes? Besides, toeing the line is good for your soul. :D



Brett327 said:
So what's your point? Think big picture, shipmate. The Navy's not doing this to benefit you or any specific yeargroup, but looks at it from a long term perspective. Come on, people - this is not rocket science. How about we all get our heads in the game, yes?

I totally agree. I'm just thinking out loud about when an effect would be felt, and using an example my simple mind could think up.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Pags said:
I totally agree. I'm just thinking out loud about when an effect would be felt, and using an example my simple mind could think up.
Good times ;)



FERS and TSP contributor!
Brett327 said:
Exactly. Come on, people. Go back and read the NAVADMIN and some of the stuff at the beginning of this thread to get in touch with why the Navy is doing this. That will eliminate the majority of the inane speculation seen in the last few posts.


I actually agree with Brett on this one. The more I think about this the more it seems like something coming either from DOD or OSD directly. Seems very "tranformational". Perhaps the CNO said "sure we'll give it a try and see if it's a fit", knowing full well it would be a tough cultural change to implement with any scale.

So again, let's see where this goes...


ChuckMK23 said:
Perhaps the CNO said "sure we'll give it a try and see if it's a fit", knowing full well it would be a tough cultural change to implement with any scale.

I doubt the CNO has any idea how tough this will be, given his designator and all.


Registered User
If this is coming from DOD do you think it will be pushed on the other branches? I guess the Air Farce would have the best argument against it since they have no Warrants.
The message said pilots and NFO's. What platform would these Warrant NFO's be going to? I talked some Marines about six years ago who said they had heard of making NFO's warrants. My dad told me they had a few Marine Warrant NFO's back in the 60's and 70's.


FERS and TSP contributor!
bobbybrock said:
If this is coming from DOD do you think it will be pushed on the other branches? I guess the Air Farce would have the best argument against it since they have no Warrants.
The message said pilots and NFO's. What platform would these Warrant NFO's be going to? I talked some Marines about six years ago who said they had heard of making NFO's warrants. My dad told me they had a few Marine Warrant NFO's back in the 60's and 70's.

I have no hard info on - no more than anyone else. Others have speculated. This isn't a new concept in Naval Aviation - as others have pointed out. But non commissioned aviators in the cockpit has never been the main stream manning plan that sticks over the years.

Never happen in the Air Force. The AF is a true "Knights of the Air" culture. e.g. the landed gentry go out to do the fighting and the workerbees/Squires stayed behind and fix everything.

The Stinkster

Now who do I blame?
A lot of interesting discussion here...should make for an interesting test. Brett is right, the DH screen board for VP is a HUGE deal (Webmaster would agree), but this program DOES NOT make that easier. There are several tickets that need to be punched to stay in the game as a VP guy for DH and on to command. By the argument that your experienced pilots ( and thus IP's) would be WO's and the JO's would be open for "career enhancing" ground jobs the entire flow of the P-3 pilot's career path is missed.

1) We have enough trouble already making hour requirements for PPC. The community reduced the pilots on board from 42 to 30 per squadron between Jan 2004 and now to alleviate this problem.

2) IP is ALMOST a pre-req to be in the game in a lot of respects. The RAG requires it, as do the VT advanced squadrons (for now). This plays BIG on the DH board and as you go on to screen for command.

3) Determination as to who is getting picked for these slots (and the "in play" slots like Pilot training, NATOPS, etc) is happening earlier and earlier, with some discussion to deciding early if you are even going to make someone a PPC based on early performance coming into play.

4) Follow on RAG, Adavanced VT, other slots are pretty scarce. VP is a community with a VERY set career path, and in the example of the advanced VT squadrons, the Naval Aviator is more scarce then our brothers from other services. (EX: OF 62 IP's in one advanced Maritime wardroom, 20 are Navy. 2 for the front office, 5 E2/C2, 1 E6, 4 VQ) The DH select rates speak for themselves, and the further breakdown that was given at a brief that we had here would indicate that outside these "traditional" in community jobs it is even tighter.

5) MMA is bought and payed for, but with only 105 total aircraft in the tally. That will futher play with the numbers. The word that we got from the Commodore from one of the P-3 wings who worked on the project at the Pentagon (brief last week) was that more could be in the works, but are not projected. The other thing he was pretty confident in was that the DH screen would probably only be a problem for YG's screening in the nex 2-3 yrs! (YG 97-99). He attributed this to the fact that the reduction of pilots in the squadrons that already occurred has fixed that problem and the retention averages would support there not being an issue by YG 00.

Taking all of these factors into account for the VP community, I think that the program is something that, although quite possibly as successful and cost effective solution, probably was introduced before they saw the results of other programs and will be short lived at best. I am not familiar with the helo side of the house and so cannot speak intelligently about that.

On another note (to add to an already long-winded reply), the cost of training a WO is in terms of flight school dollars, the same as any other stud, and the slot they leave will have to be filled by a new sailor, costing the navy 1 WO and 1 e-5 for the price of one O-1. I can tell you that the numbers that we are being asked to fill for the next four years in the VP community are on the upswing, to the tune of over 100 per year, so it would appear that we are not overmanned at the JO pilot level. Any additions to these numbers from the WO ranks could have the result of moving the experience core away from the JO's and make IA's the only viable option as I can assure you from an advanced VT perspective we are pushing for the most experienced PPC/IP's that we can get from the fleet.

Again, I apologize for the painfully long post, and fully welcome the beatings (well deserved) that will ensue!