So you can predict the entire course of a war with China? You really believe that? Of course you vant.. nobody can. It's ludicrous.
Russia can't even take Ukraine, let alone all of Europe. Especially if they knew they had to provide for their own defense. Likewise, Iran could not even come close to taking over the ME, and China wouldn't try to take over Asia. This is all so far fetched.
What does this have to do with what I said? Of course the world as we know it relies on global trade. If China chooses to attack Taiwan, that's a big hit to the current global trade paradigm, but that happens regardless of if we choose all out war with China over it. I never said we shouldn't protect our trade routes from pirates or do away with global trade, so I'm confused. I said we should stop with the idea that if anyone attacks anyone else in the world then the US is going to commit it's treasure and blood to protecting the country we favor. Frankly, it just doesn't affect American taxpayers much if Ukraine wins or loses. It affects Europeans far more. Let them carry the brunt of that burden. Likewise with Taiwan and China, or Afghanistan or Iraq or Vietnam or... You see where I'm going? I used to think those wars made sense. I no longer do.