I actually had meant to address that. Personally, I don't think this war undoes the importance of the tank, it just shows tactics and technology will have to adapt again. But also, a lot of the losses both sides have experienced are because their tanks are having to operate without the full combined arms machine they are meant to be a part of (for example a major lack of airpower on both sides). Early on, some in the media commented that the Ukrainians using hand-held weapons to destroy or disable Russian tanks shows they are obsolete, but hand-held weapons that can destroy or disable tanks have been around since World War II. They are nothing new. The problem is the Russians are inept in how they employ their tanks. Now the weapon some are using to call the tank into question are drones. The thing is again, aircraft capable of destroying tanks have been around since WWII. And the Russians suffer their biggest tank losses by constantly being inept. They try things like cavalry charges with their tanks, which then get annihilated by Ukrainian drones and they drive their tanks bunched close together, making it where a single good artillery shot can take out the whole group. There was also the issue of Russian tanks sitting and running their engines in the cold at night so the crews could keep warm, which made it very easy for Ukrainian drones to locate and target them.
Drones definitely present a new challenge, but tanks are not meant to fight by themselves, they are meant to fight as part of a combined arms machine, along with properly trained crews, and intelligence and reconnaissance, and proper use of the terrain, and all of that. Generally, before sending in tanks to sledgehammer an enemy, there are extensive deception operations to trick the enemy regarding where your forces even will be, so you attack the enemy at his weakest points, initially pounding the enemy with airpower and artillery, then sending in the tanks. In urban operations, tanks work closely with the infantry and both protect each other.
With drones, that just adds an additional element of complexity. One reason for the development of the Patriot missile system was to protect tanks because of the Soviet anti-tank missiles.