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F-14 Dual Controls ??


Why would you ask such a question?

Here's the low down. I now work in an aviation unit in a law enforcement agency where this citizen volunteer was claiming to be an F-14 driver, blah, blah... In one of his tall tales, he went on to say that although he was never a winged aviator, he did have quite a bit of stick time in the 14. The back seat guy could always take the controls if need be (Yeah right). This included a night time trap, in flight refueling and breaking Mach 1 at an air show at Miramar. Everybody knows he is full of it but I was only 99 percent sure the 14 didn't have a "trainer" version. There you go. The tall tale teller has since been banned from all our facilities and his ID card confiscated. Freak.


Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Way back in the day at NAS Miramar, one could occasionally look up and see an F-8 Crusader in the pattern… with another F-8 in a close cruise formation.

That signified an early F-8 FAM flight, with the RAG instructor as the "cruise" aircraft, shadowing his initial, solo student.

I never flew the F-8. But I do know that it was an awesome, quantum jump in performance from whatever the FAM pilot may have flown previously – in the fleet, or training command. And it was an extraordinarily difficult (dangerous?) aircraft to land, even ashore. Moreover, at that time, the F-8 simulator (and I don't really know if they even had one) must have been rudimentary, and certainly without any motion or visual.

Sensing the unusual, most stopped to watch the show – how the FNG handled the most demanding fighter of the time.

While all F-8 drivers, to a man were an obnoxious and insufferable breed; you have to hand it to them. Their FAM gestation period was as difficult as any, and usually drew a crowd, as would be their tour of duty on the short-deck, 27-Charlie's :eek: .


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Here's the low down. I now work in an aviation unit in a law enforcement agency where this citizen volunteer was claiming to be an F-14 driver, blah, blah... In one of his tall tales, he went on to say that although he was never a winged aviator, he did have quite a bit of stick time in the 14. The back seat guy could always take the controls if need be (Yeah right). This included a night time trap, in flight refueling and breaking Mach 1 at an air show at Miramar. Everybody knows he is full of it but I was only 99 percent sure the 14 didn't have a "trainer" version. There you go. The tall tale teller has since been banned from all our facilities and his ID card confiscated. Freak.

There is little in life more satisfying than calling BS on someone like that. You should have filmed it or something.


Gitty Up!
Yeah, I love those guys. How desperate do you need to be that you make up stories about that stuff? Freakshow. What the hell is a citizen volunteer? Is that a wannabe cop? That should be your first clue to his dementia.


Commence threadjack:

Kinda reminds me of this security guy we had back when I worked at the Cocoa Beach Holiday Inn. This dude couldn't have been more than 19 or 20, but he was fat and pasty as hell and strutted around like a good ol' boy totin' a beergut. He always wore mirror-lensed aviators' glasses, hair gelled up like a Pilsbury porcupine. In addition to the radio and whatever else they gave the security guys there, he bought evey belt-carryable item he could find, you know, GPS, Leatherman tool, Asp baton, and I think he had handcuffs there somewhere. His personal car was a white-painted Caprice with tinted windows and at least three different antennas on it in an attempt to make it look like a police car. God knows what they were used for. Maybe they were dummy plastic ones that did nothing, I don't know.

I worked at the pool, and part of my job was (supposed to be) to keep people who weren't paying guests from swimming in it. The catch was that I didn't give a damn who swam in that pool, I got paid the same either way.

Anyway, this guy took that part of the job seriously. He'd swing by the pool hut at least four times a day, checking to see if I'd seen anyone who looked like they might be locals."Sick bastards. One of these days we'll find a way to keep those scumbags out," he'd say. He always called them "dirtbags" or "slimeballs" or other such terms normal people would reserve for child abusers, drug dealers or someone equally disgusting.

I kept thinking, "If that guy wants to be a cop and catch 'scumbags' so badly, why does he not apply?" Then I thought about it, and was very thankful that he hadn't. I don't want anyone that retarded wearing a real badge.

Then again, maybe he did apply and get rejected for some reason...

Anyway, the wannabe is a sad thing, as is the one who lies about things to make himself seem more impressive. It seems easier to me to actually do those things than to lie about them, but maybe that's just me.

Threadjack status: Completed.


Well-Known Member
NYPD does pysch evals as part of applications...guess that's a good example why.

Thats exactly why there are psych evals and several interviews as well as FTO portion of employment before you get to be a full rated police officer. Having worked both the private and peace officer side of things Ive met guys that shouldnt be pumping gas much less walking around with a stick/gun and handcuffs and the assumed authority that comes with it.



UInavy said:
Nice work. Did he go by 'Skeeterman', perhaps?

Unknown what his alleged call sign may have been. I didn't hear that BS story and it looks like I won't get the chance now.


Thanks for all the replies to my question. He told a few of us that on every deployment there were a couple "trainer" versions of the 14 with dual controls. Calling BS on this psycho was way overdue.

Hell, since I am writing, I'll give you guys another laugh or two...He said at SERE school, he escaped from the camp. OK. It would be tough, but possible. But he lost me when he said they released a Rotweiller after him. It gets better. He said he killed it and would have eaten it if they didn't recapture him.

More you say? OK. His RIO had this funny little problem with a lead foot. Seemed he got a few speeding tickets from one of the local highway patrol guys (maybe El Centro). One day, the BS artist and his RIO spotted the officer running radar along the freeway. They land on the freeway (in an F-14) about a quarter mile or so away and go whizzing by the officer probably around 150 knots or so..."It was a different time then..." Wow.

It gets deeper and deeper.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Thanks for all the replies to my question. He told a few of us that on every deployment there were a couple "trainer" versions of the 14 with dual controls. Calling BS on this psycho was way overdue.

Hell, since I am writing, I'll give you guys another laugh or two...He said at SERE school, he escaped from the camp. OK. It would be tough, but possible. But he lost me when he said they released a Rotweiller after him. It gets better. He said he killed it and would have eaten it if they didn't recapture him.

More you say? OK. His RIO had this funny little problem with a lead foot. Seemed he got a few speeding tickets from one of the local highway patrol guys (maybe El Centro). One day, the BS artist and his RIO spotted the officer running radar along the freeway. They land on the freeway (in an F-14) about a quarter mile or so away and go whizzing by the officer probably around 150 knots or so..."It was a different time then..." Wow.

It gets deeper and deeper.

Now wait a minute. This guy claims to be a non-winged person who allegedly got "stick time" in a non-existent dual controlled Tomcat. Then you're telling us another story about him and his RIO? I'm calling BS on the BS.



Keep your knots up.
Super Moderator
Now wait a minute. This guy claims to be a non-winged person who allegedly got "stick time" in a non-existent dual controlled Tomcat. Then you're telling us another story about him and his RIO? I'm calling BS on the BS.

Good call. Long past time to break out these:



is clara ship
I'm surprised it took all of you senior gents so long to reach this conclusion. Seemed from post #1 to be a convenient probe to find out if this particular story would fly (no pun intended).


It's gettin' a bit dramatic 'round here...
Super Moderator
We've seen this before with the guy who said a manager at his bank told him he flew F-14s and so forth...but wouldn't reveal his name....