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F-14 Dual Controls ??


Well-Known Member
On scene commanders don't need to make those calls. We're deputy sheriff's. If I guy needs to be shot at, we'll shoot him without asking "Mother may I?" The countryside out here is pretty diverse. Ocean, urban city area, mountains and desert. Often times the helicopter crew may land to take law enforcement action or cover a rural deputy because his cover unit is 30-40 minutes driving time away. The same is true for San Bernardino County. Our county is 4200 square miles.

We have no problem with the city/county leadership realizing the value of the services we provide. The citizens see it and the deputies/officers on the ground see it. If we thought it was a waste of time, we wouldn't bother. I suppose San Bernardino County Air Support feels the same way but I'm not speaking for them.

Only people operating Air Assets around where I was are the State Troopers and they see their A-Stars as mearly eyes in the sky and nothing else. It would be interesting however to show those guys any incedents of actually putting the aircraft down and rendering assistance your unit has been involved in. Having never worked in a non-metro area I cant tell you how I think you should do your job but suffice to say you wouldnt be setting a loch down, hell careflight has enough trouble doing it. However it always amazed me when Id hear people say "hey wouldnt it be cool if we had a helicopter" when my first thought was for what it would cost to feed and stable a helo we could put how many more officers and cars on the street to answer service calls and be able to provide direct assistance to an officer in the field as in dont just watch me, help me put this guy and his buddys in handcuffs without getting my skull caved in.


Only people operating Air Assets around where I was are the State Troopers and they see their A-Stars as mearly eyes in the sky and nothing else. It would be interesting however to show those guys any incedents of actually putting the aircraft down and rendering assistance your unit has been involved in. Having never worked in a non-metro area I cant tell you how I think you should do your job but suffice to say you wouldnt be setting a loch down, hell careflight has enough trouble doing it.

I hear you brotha. We are directly responsible for the arrest of many a bad guy and assist with many others. With the amount of traffic pursuits we have, they really love our assistance there as well. We also are equipped with a "FLIR model 8500" (infrared) which is great for hunting down the crooks. The one we just got includes a laser designator. Essentially it has a laser which point where the infrared is looking. It's invisible to the naked eye but the guys on the ground using an NVG (night vision goggle) monocular and us, of course, with our NVGs,will be able to see where the beam is pointing and walk right to our heat source (hopefully the crook).

We land damn near anywhere we can justify it and it can be done safely. A couple of months ago, one of our deputies was fighting a suicidal suspect near the railroad tracks. We called the nearest allied agency to assist him. They weren't quick enough so we landed in a motel parking lot and the fight was over pretty quickly. What's the problem with Careflight? Don't they do that stuff routinely?

At the rate this thread is going, we'll be talking about quantum physics in a week or two. Maybe we should start another one?


Well-Known Member
We land damn near anywhere we can justify it and it can be done safely. A couple of months ago, one of our deputies was fighting a suicidal suspect near the railroad tracks. We called the nearest allied agency to assist him. They weren't quick enough so we landed in a motel parking lot and the fight was over pretty quickly. What's the problem with Careflight? Don't they do that stuff routinely?

I didnt do a whole lot with them being that within city limits you can just as easily get a Bus on scene and to an ER before They would even be wheels up and on scene thinking about setting down not to mention their arent too many places Id want to try and park a Dauphin. Only place where you really had a long drive to get to a hospital was on the Northern side of the city just because of the road layouts and all the hospitals being on the South side. I have a buddy in an outlying city and works as a paramedic though and he honstly cant stand what those guys seem to do. Seems like they are just way to happy to roll on stuff during "buisness hours" but call for them at night and they somehow manage to miss the group of 5 cars with blinking red and blue lights on the side of a highway and end up getting beaten to the scene by the Ambulance which didnt have much of a head start in distance. Some of the departments out here are "interesting" at best, hell the FD guys are a joke. City my folks live in has had 4 houses completely burn to the ground all of them were within 500 yards of a station, one was across the street.

Id honestly have killed to have had half the goodies and toys at our disposal you just mentioned. Hell we were happy when we had enough Patrol rifles to outfit all the cars I dont think you could ever sell the tax payers on how useful night vision would be to have. Apparently people dont realize that while bright as hell 3 guys looking for somebody in the dark with maglights in a blacked out industrial park doesnt work too well.


New Member
F14 Dual Controls

Hi All,

I was part of the F14 RAG for while and didnt see any DUAL control F14 A B or D version. I think your buddy is FOS :eek:


Hi All,

I was part of the F14 RAG for while and didnt see any DUAL control F14 A B or D version. I think your buddy is FOS :eek:

FOS in a big way. By the way, no offense but he is not my buddy. Even though he did think it was a smart idea to use me as a personal reference in his quest to become a law enforcement deputy. I called our backgrounds investigations section and told them to not hire this guy for any reason, any position. He's a nut. We haven't seen him show his face since he was publicly "outed" at one of our team meetings.

Thanks for the input on the original question.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
FOS in a big way. By the way, no offense but he is not my buddy. Even though he did think it was a smart idea to use me as a personal reference in his quest to become a law enforcement deputy. I called our backgrounds investigations section and told them to not hire this guy for any reason, any position. He's a nut. We haven't seen him show his face since he was publicly "outed" at one of our team meetings.

Thanks for the input on the original question.

We've had a plethora of outings here as well.


New Member
Hey thats nothing, i had a guy try to impress me by telling me he flew F14Cs hahaha guess he believed because I am female i know nothing about aviation, i got the best laugh when i told him i was jet engine mechanic on F14s, i think he needed lip surgery after his lip hit the ground at Mach 1.


We've had a plethora of outings here as well.
Funny you should mention that.

I just "outed" one this weekend without even trying ... last night at the bar ... some joker (a regular at that particular bar) was opining as to how he used to be a "Navy Medic" ... whereupon I offered the observation that "the Navy doesn't have any fucking medics -- they're called Corpsmen -- and any real Navy "medic" should know that ...."

Whereupon the individual paid his tab and left ... :)

What a great country this is ....


New Member
Funny you should mention that.

I just "outed" one this weekend without even trying ... last night at the bar ... some joker (a regular at that particular bar) was opining as to how he used to be a "Navy Medic" ... whereupon I offered the observation that "the Navy doesn't have any fucking medics -- they're called Corpsmen -- and any real Navy "medic" should know that ...."

Whereupon the individual paid his tab and left ... :)

What a great country this is ....
One would think if you are going to lie about your career you would atleast do some damn research to make you look credible. Amazing how many people out there POSE as military and doesnt know their ass from a hole in the ground.


Remotely piloted
Super Moderator
Funny you should mention that.

I just "outed" one this weekend without even trying ... last night at the bar ... some joker (a regular at that particular bar) was opining as to how he used to be a "Navy Medic" ... whereupon I offered the observation that "the Navy doesn't have any fucking medics -- they're called Corpsmen -- and any real Navy "medic" should know that ...."

Whereupon the individual paid his tab and left ... :)

What a great country this is ....

I wonder how regular he's going to be now @ that bar. Another poser bites the dust. Well done.


Super Moderator
I didnt do a whole lot with them being that within city limits you can just as easily get a Bus on scene and to an ER before They would even be wheels up and on scene thinking about setting down not to mention their arent too many places Id want to try and park a Dauphin. Only place where you really had a long drive to get to a hospital was on the Northern side of the city just because of the road layouts and all the hospitals being on the South side. I have a buddy in an outlying city and works as a paramedic though and he honstly cant stand what those guys seem to do. Seems like they are just way to happy to roll on stuff during "buisness hours" but call for them at night and they somehow manage to miss the group of 5 cars with blinking red and blue lights on the side of a highway and end up getting beaten to the scene by the Ambulance which didnt have much of a head start in distance. Some of the departments out here are "interesting" at best, hell the FD guys are a joke. City my folks live in has had 4 houses completely burn to the ground all of them were within 500 yards of a station, one was across the street.

Id honestly have killed to have had half the goodies and toys at our disposal you just mentioned. Hell we were happy when we had enough Patrol rifles to outfit all the cars I dont think you could ever sell the tax payers on how useful night vision would be to have. Apparently people dont realize that while bright as hell 3 guys looking for somebody in the dark with maglights in a blacked out industrial park doesnt work too well.

Well, part of the point of having Medevac helicopters is to get the patients to the best facility, not neccesarily the nearest one. In Maryland, where trauma care started, they have Maryland State Trooper helicopters that do primarily medevac (I think it is something like 95% of their missions). It works very well because of the the number of helicopters and the network of hospitals that have trauma care centers (some specialize in certain types of trauma care: one does burns, another specializes in children etc., and some are just general trauma centers). A helicoper is often the only sure way to get someone to a trauma center in the 'golden hour'. It works in Maryland partly because the small size of the state but mainly because of the massive investment in the entire trauma care system, from the helos to the hospitals.

In many other places air ambulances are not part of a larger trauma care system. As far as I know, the VA state police are the only other state that has helos primarily for Medevac and that feed into a large trauma care system. While many private air ambulance companies are probably very good they are still a businesses and have to make money to survive, and sometimes wht makes the most medical sense is not always profitable route to take. Many of the crews are willing to do the right thing, I don't think ChuckMk23 would leave someone hanging, but a big company might.

So if you don't have the investment in the complete system then you might not be getting the value out of the aviation assets, which may be the case in your city/locality.


Well-Known Member
Flash there really isnt a "Larger Trauma system" around here. You basically have one primary Trauma center for the city and surrounding areas. Even the Base Hospital has cut all of its trauma care back to nill because theres no call to have two hospitals within 15 miles of eachother both providing that service. Some of the FD's in the area from the more affluent Suburbs have bought those overgrown ambulances tasked as "Mobile Trauma Centers" but really a meat wagon is a meat wagon getting them to the hospital is the critical issue. Problem is a lot of Ohio cities have really cut back to the point that you have all your eggs in one basket when it comes to Hospitals. Some of the cities do maintain Air Ambulance but they are the only ones that do State Troopers etc have none, which leads to some very open areas out in smaller communities and cities.

Still my main point was more of we dont need an air asset for LEO we need more Road officers and Radio Cars and the equipment for them. After that a city can worry about spending money on a Helicopters, Mobile Command Centers, dedicated SWAT/ESU teams, etc.

WRT Maryland Troopers, that is a top shelf outfit and actually operates the way a State Police Department should. Our State Troopers have pretty much just been turned into another source of state revenue and lost almost all of their Peace Officer duties to local sherriffs so they can spend more time writing tickets on highways.


Super Moderator
Flash there really isnt a "Larger Trauma system" around here. You basically have one primary Trauma center for the city and surrounding areas. Even the Base Hospital has cut all of its trauma care back to nill because theres no call to have two hospitals within 15 miles of eachother both providing that service. Some of the FD's in the area from the more affluent Suburbs have bought those overgrown ambulances tasked as "Mobile Trauma Centers" but really a meat wagon is a meat wagon getting them to the hospital is the critical issue. Problem is a lot of Ohio cities have really cut back to the point that you have all your eggs in one basket when it comes to Hospitals. Some of the cities do maintain Air Ambulance but they are the only ones that do State Troopers etc have none, which leads to some very open areas out in smaller communities and cities.

Still my main point was more of we dont need an air asset for LEO we need more Road officers and Radio Cars and the equipment for them. After that a city can worry about spending money on a Helicopters, Mobile Command Centers, dedicated SWAT/ESU teams, etc.

WRT Maryland Troopers, that is a top shelf outfit and actually operates the way a State Police Department should. Our State Troopers have pretty much just been turned into another source of state revenue and lost almost all of their Peace Officer duties to local sherriffs so they can spend more time writing tickets on highways.

Gotcha! As for the MD State Troopers, they are okay guys......unless they write me a ticket.......;)