cpwhit1...My son Mike grew up wanting to be a Tailhook Pilot like Pop. Graduated SDSU w/ degree in Aero Eng. in '88. Applied for SNA/OCS... things went well 'til failing color vision test/retest. Not wanting his other USN options, he tried the USNR recruiter, & found an available avenue he was qualified for: Aviation Maintenance Duty Officer (AMDO). His Officer Indoctrination was at NAS Pensacola.
While he couldn't fly, he found a drill slot in the "weekend warrior" aviation community @ NAS/NOTS China Lake, CA. Over the 20 years of his service, he has been activated for two 9-12 mo. tours in Iraq & one in Korea. He is a senior O-5 now & is very satisfied with his Reserve career. His civilian job is as a Senior Engineer (GS type) with FRC SW (NavAir) at NAS North Island, managing a Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) for the F/A-18 Hornet. This job also sent him back to SDSU for his Aero MS degree in the mid-'90s.
*Don't know what your major/degree is in??
Point is, there are other options for aviation candidates w/ color vision problems. Just one of the options to consider. Good luck!:thumbup_1