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Final Select Purgatory


"Descent Planning"
You need to check out the TacPak that they have released. It pretty much turns FSX into a DCS level sim. Lots of fun, great for passing time.
looks solid but doesn't seem quit as fluid as DCS. That SU-33 Carrier qual on DCS has a steep learning curve too


Active Member
Same boat... although in my boat we're leaning towards renting the place via a property management company. The value of this may be dependent on where your house is though. Mine is 15 miles from Ft. Belvoir and 10 from Quantico (Northern VA) so there will always be renters in the area (read: military families coming through).

Another thing we've considered though is renting/selling the house now and then renting an apartment during this transition.

Renting out our home is an option, but after 2 (I think?) years you have to pay extra taxes. I would rather not be under that rock. Since we won't have a reason to come back- no family here- it would be ideal to sell. Not sure if it was bad info, but from what I read, if you have a VA home loan you can't purchase another house with a VA loan until the other one is paid off. I'm thinking of starting out early with FSBO and if it doesn't work get a realtor, or drink more beers until the problem works itself out.


Well-Known Member
Renting out our home is an option, but after 2 (I think?) years you have to pay extra taxes. I would rather not be under that rock. Since we won't have a reason to come back- no family here- it would be ideal to sell. Not sure if it was bad info, but from what I read, if you have a VA home loan you can't purchase another house with a VA loan until the other one is paid off. I'm thinking of starting out early with FSBO and if it doesn't work get a realtor, or drink more beers until the problem works itself out.
Someone with more tax knowledge may need to chime in, but my understand is that as long as you've lived in the house for 2 years before renting it out, you do not have to pay taxes on the potential gains if you sell it within 10 years (for military) - if those are the taxes you're even referring to. I'd check with a financial adviser; which I may need to do as well :)

I probably wouldn't be purchasing another home if I keep this one, so the "No 2nd VA home loan" issue wouldn't apply to me. Home values in my area have risen nearly 20% since we purchased ours, so a straight sale is definitely tempting. But I do like the idea of having this property should I ever return to the area.


Do a Barrel Roll!!!!
Tried a crossfit box, but just wasn't my cup of tea. I prefer to workout isolated from others and distractions.