To MB....The cruise spped on a 60 may be that high but I can guarandamntee you that they are just cruising along at 500' @ 100 knots over the shoreline. I am sure this is some type of training thing but it is a daily occurance. And yes I have seen them at 10' hovering out over the water as well...question for you on that though....When hovering 1-2 miles offshore, do these 60's have floats? I am sure this will be recieved as an idiotic question but do 60's have floats? I assume they due considering that this maneuver would be deemed illegal since they are not within gliding distance to shore...Thanks
To OH-58...I have considered the Army..but in all due respect I want to be an Officer. Having this title and the responsibility of it has always been my dream..As far as wanting to get out of helicopters, I would love to stay in them but I am not going to pass up an oppurtunity to further my career by switching out. If that comes along I will gladly transition over, but if not I am more than happy to keep busting through ETL..Keep up in the green guys..
To everyone purpose for the first post, was to see if people who had prior time ever got put in something else. I was not saying I was a shoe-in but was merely asking a question. But I do think that it is absurd that my time would be a negative as opposed to a positive.
To JT..congrats man on getting the assignment. I am sure that you will do great, and great things happen to great people. congrats.. Also, I was not attacking your statement, that is just a hot button for me, since you are not the first person to state that. It just does not make logical sense to me.