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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
Chip Rocks? Close. . . They are cleaning sidewalks on campus, mowing lawns, watering maintaining flowers and bushes. If they only have class 3 hours a day they are stuck on campus for 5 additional hours doing some manual labor.

...damn! That is B.S.


Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit
...damn! That is B.S.

Have you all thought about getting the campus maintanence crews involved? I know here the maintanence head at KU (who happens to be a friend at church and a Navy retiree) would throw a fit if we took on jobs that the school is paying contractors for.


New Member
Hey EM1, I saw that you switched from NFO to SUBS... How did you do that, i was under the impression that once selected for a specific option you were stuck in that field until at a minimum the completion of your first divo tour.

*I would have PMed the question but I dont have enough post to be eligible to do so...


Well-Known Member
It's alot easier for those wanting to go nuke but once you get to ROTC anything is pretty much possible. You just have make sure the staff knows your intentions and when it comes time for your YG's service selection you put in for what you want with a personal statement why you want to switch from say SWO to NFO for example. It's by no means guaranteed but the other OC (there is only two of us here) is waiting for the board to convene to see if he going NFO instead of SWO.


Forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit
What I ended up doing is talking to our nuke instructor at the unit, and she called Pers 42 to get an interview set up at NR. Naval Reactors handled all the details regarding getting released from the NFO community after I passed my interview.

I think there were a few keys in what occurred with me
1) I was switching to an undermanned community (sub nuke)
2) I was a nuke previously
3) I think they get that STA-21 restrictions keep you from applying to Nuke from the fleet, and as a result they provide some leniency in that regard.

what are you hoping to do if you dont mind me asking?


Well-Known Member
It's alot easier for those wanting to go nuke but once you get to ROTC anything is pretty much possible. You just have make sure the staff knows your intentions and when it comes time for your YG's service selection you put in for what you want with a personal statement why you want to switch from say SWO to NFO for example. It's by no means guaranteed but the other OC (there is only two of us here) is waiting for the board to convene to see if he going NFO instead of SWO.

J Coop's going FO? God save us :)


package went from being received but not reviewed to listing all contents of the package that were sent in. there are no comments in the additional comments section. anyone else show this?


precept to the convening of fy-xx sta-21 board packet


i put this on the other sta21 fy11 thread as well, but wanted to make it readily available here too. this is a packet that was given to me by a NC. It is a breakdown of the 2008 board and how they scored the packages. now as everyone knows this was then, and now is now. there have been a few changes to the requirements that are listed in the 1420 and on the website, as well as new programs available to apply for. but at least this gives us a general idea of what to expect from our package. note that some of the stuff is pre scored on a predetermined scale (awards, sat, prt score, etc) and others are scored by the board (co endorsement, leadership potential, etc) anyways, hope that everyone enjoys the additional reading. not that it is in 3 separate files.


  • 3_7_17_2010_12_11_30.pdf
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  • 1_7_17_2010_12_9_3.pdf
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  • 2_7_17_2010_12_11_0.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 54


New Member

I am new to the forum, but I have to say thank you for all of the great information.
I am so nervous about this years results. This is the first year I have actually had the courage to submit it. I have been sitting with a completed package for about four years now.
I was really wondering if my Master Black Belt in Airspeed from Villanova University will count for anything? I saw the break down for individual classes, but this was an entire degree plan for Lean Six Sigma. I wasn't sure how that would play in to the scoring process. (most o-level people probably won't have a clue what this means) I didn't either until I went to i level.


New Member
PRICE- My never said "not reviewed" it went straight to listing everything in the received column next to the required column. I did have one comment in the additional comments section but once I addressed that, they cleared that out and there is nothing there now. So i think that is the good to go sign. Hope this helps.


PRICE- My never said "not reviewed" it went straight to listing everything in the received column next to the required column. I did have one comment in the additional comments section but once I addressed that, they cleared that out and there is nothing there now. So i think that is the good to go sign. Hope this helps.

Yeah I am sure that it is ok. Not sure when you sent yours in but mine was in on the 29th and received on the 7th. I was talking to wernama in a PM and he said he had talked to Pcola by phone and they were reviewing packages and hoped to have all received packages completed and statuses updated to each individual profile bye COB Friday, 16th. Being down in Pcola, don't you just want to go knock on their door and see what's going on??? haha


New Member
You dont even know how hard it is. There was a problem with our packages getting back from our external board in time for them to be finalized and reviewed by the CO. On the 29th they were talking (my admin) about mailing them out and I basically had to force them to understand that all they have to do is WALK them over.....Which they did, and by the 30th the website was updated already. Pretty cool, huh. But I hate that they are right there....


New Member
Yea at first they were saying that the packages would be reviewed not by the 16th but by the 1st of Aug sorry for the confusion. I called today because my package still has not been reviewed and Mike said that they are working 12 hour days and still hope to get done reviewing by the 1st but no guarantees... Im a little worried because i never saw the appraisal sheets submitted my my command and nomination review board but, I guess I just have to be patient and wait...