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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
Med screenings

I got a quick question because im not so sure how competent the medical department is on my ship... I've been trying to do the medical screening prior to results coming out but, medical is saying that I should wait to do everything but the HIV screening since its the only test that requires lab work( I applied for SWO/CORE). I was under the impression that the screening required alot more to be sent to labs then just your HIV screening... Isnt there like a Urinalysis, more blood work and tests that take time to do??? Any help would be great, i dont want to push them to do the whole screening before results are out if what they are saying is true... Thanks!


New Member
Just wanted to give everyone a little update: The board officially broke yesterday afternoon and did not return today. So it is over. Not sure if them finishing up two days early is a good sign or not though. Now it truely is a waiting game (not that it wasnt before). I want to say good luck to everyone and it is comforting knowing others are going through this stressful waiting period along side me.

Thanks for all the positive comments made on my behalf. (Those of you know who you are.) I imagine come Oct 1 our number of posts will begin to jump significantly (quantity, not necessarily quality seeing as most of us will be out of our minds...lol)


New Member
Thats awesome that you are stationed down in P-cola and saw that. I think that my anticipation for results just multiplied by a million though! Good luck!


New Member
Is there any chance someone has completed the Med screening and can answer the question I posted? I really just want to know how long the screening takes and what they have to send off to the labs because since im out in the middle of the ocean it might take me considerably longer to finish... Thanks again!


New Member
Is there any chance someone has completed the Med screening and can answer the question I posted? I really just want to know how long the screening takes and what they have to send off to the labs because since im out in the middle of the ocean it might take me considerably longer to finish... Thanks again!

You should only have to have an HIV test done if you haven't had one in the past year if I'm not mistaken. You do have to do blood work so they should only have to order another test along with your blood work anyway. In terms of how long the actual physical takes, it takes the doctor almost 20 minutes. It's just another sheet they have to fill out. Last year, when I went before the results came out for another reason, they asked me if I wanted to do the commissioning physical after the doctor got to talking shop with me. So the hardest part for you should be getting your command to order the chest x-ray and blood work.


New Member
Chest X-ray, uh-oh... i dont know that they do that onboard... Anyways, thanks for answering, I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Chest X-ray, uh-oh... i dont know that they do that onboard... Anyways, thanks for answering, I appreciate it.

I don't know what you're deployed on, but they should be able to get you an X-ray on the Carrier. Let your chain of command know and they should be able to get you over there.
I can't believe that STA-21 would take your SRB back, thats a terrible story!

Straight from the instruction:

(1) Once the Service member transfers from the command with orders to NSI, the member is no longer eligible to receive SRB bonus installments.(1) Once the Service member transfers from the command with orders to NSI, the member is no longer eligible to receive SRB bonus installments.

The way it reads is that the day your orders are stamped from the outgoing command, all SRB installments stop. Why should someone not re-enlist under an SRB just because they apply for STA-21. We are supposed to screw our enlisted careers on a hope that our officer ambitions pan out? But of course, I have seen the navy try to work around the instructions all too much...(why do we even have them)? I would fight that one tooth and nail...


New Member
What you have to realize is an SRB is a bonus for the contract for the next 4-6 years. If you don't fulfill the contract then you are not entitled to any bonus.

We are luck that the Navy doesn't prorate the whole thing and if you only serve 1 out of a 5 year contract you only get 20% of the total amount and have to give back 60% of your initial installment.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe that STA-21 would take your SRB back, thats a terrible story!

Straight from the instruction:

(1) Once the Service member transfers from the command with orders to NSI, the member is no longer eligible to receive SRB bonus installments.(1) Once the Service member transfers from the command with orders to NSI, the member is no longer eligible to receive SRB bonus installments.

The way it reads is that the day your orders are stamped from the outgoing command, all SRB installments stop. Why should someone not re-enlist under an SRB just because they apply for STA-21. We are supposed to screw our enlisted careers on a hope that our officer ambitions pan out? But of course, I have seen the navy try to work around the instructions all too much...(why do we even have them)? I would fight that one tooth and nail...

It also says in the instruction that in the special circumstance of those who reenlist while waiting on selection notification that initial payments will be held pending notification. They are supposed to grant you eligibility for an SRB, then hold it until you find out. However, if you receive an SRB payment between application and notification, or anytime thereafter, you have to give it back.

Remember, we are talking about those who reenlist during the waiting period...not those just receiving installment payments.
It also says in the instruction that in the special circumstance of those who reenlist while waiting on selection notification that initial payments will be held pending notification. They are supposed to grant you eligibility for an SRB, then hold it until you find out. However, if you receive an SRB payment between application and notification, or anytime thereafter, you have to give it back.

Remember, we are talking about those who reenlist during the waiting period...not those just receiving installment payments.

Are we both talking 1420.1B? I do not see that in there. Do you know where about it is in the instruction? Thanks.

*UPDATE* ohh, I see you are probably referring to OPNAVINST 1160.6, right? Never saw that before. That is some serious conflicting guidance. I guess it is just a waiting game to see if they catch it or not...


Well-Known Member
Are we both talking 1420.1B? I do not see that in there. Do you know where about it is in the instruction? Thanks.

*UPDATE* ohh, I see you are probably referring to OPNAVINST 1160.6, right? Never saw that before. That is some serious conflicting guidance. I guess it is just a waiting game to see if they catch it or not...

Not sure if the 1160.6 is the SRB instruction, but yes. That is the info that the Admin/CCC guys are using when they work to get you an SRB. These kinds of things are what Command Career Counselors are supposed to know to aleve any conflicting guidance, but alas...they too are imperfect. ;)