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Fy 11 sta 21 applicants


New Member
good point...but as it is, i know of at leat 4 cec applicants on aw and they all appear to be great candidates... and i am just broading and rambling and feeling sorry for myself so never mind;) truth is you are right and therefore basically my odds have not changed at all. Just hope I was not one of the two packages disqualified...lol
give me something negative to fixate on and i will do it like a champ!...lol


New Member
We should know by now if we were diqualified right? Wouldn't it show up on the STA website under our package status? Maybe not...pulling at straws I suppose. I thought I knew a whole lot about this program and now I am questioning so many things.


New Member
Its all good if i don't get selected. I learned so much through this website. I know that I will improve myself to be a better candidate next year by:

1) taking calculus I and II, and the physics classes.
2) I will make sure that my GCM is in my package.
3) do some community service.
4) get in better shape and kick ass on the PRT.
5) finishing my AA!!!! (2 classes away)
6) get some LORS from past CO's
7) put in my package early.

I believe thats it...
How about you guys?

P.S. who else applied SWO/CORE? I know wernama, willissm and somebody else did.


New Member
you and me both. actually, i dont think there is anyway to know if our package is disqualified other than missing documents. if the endocuments were incorrectly done (ie endorsement letter, board sheets, wrong officers on board with no justification) also if there is some criteria we dont meet, then we would still not know if it was thrown out. dont worry, i find myself questioning a bunch of things as well and i know the instruction inside and out too.

i think it is all part of the anxiety caused by the waiting. i almost dont want this part to over yet because at this point i still have a chance and am in the game...when the results are out then it is over (of course unless i get picked up). i know it is a little weird, but i am dealing in my own way as many out there are sure to have their interesting thought processes too.

funny, last night i was able to shut down my laptop and not think about it for a while...today, not so much...lol


New Member
Tell me about it. At first I was like screw it I am just going to stop looking, and then I realized that the people on here are the only people I can talk to that understand what I am going through. My husband just bought me a plane ticket to Texas to see my family I haven't seen in over a year for the three day weekend, so I can stop thinking about all this madness.


New Member
Is there anyone else out there waiting to apply until after the results come out. I've prepared my transfer apps and everything but would it be beneficial to just send them in? When is the deadline to know about acceptance anyway?


New Member
I have just read through my package hoping everything was in order. I remember when my command finally completed it they sent it to me to mail. I looked over it and there were so many mistakes I had to hunt down board members and get them to correct it.

If I do not get picked up at least I still get the excitement of transferring to Norfolk lol

Good luck everyone ( and I knew I should have applied to SWO/Ocean LOL)


New Member
For some reason I remember seeing somewhere that there were 120+ applicants that applied to SWO/IP. Must have mis read it. This year...11 applicants and 10 were qualified. Dear God, please don't let me be that guy!! Surprisingly, I am quite a bit more optimistic about my chances now! Gotta love that they said to make color copies of your awards too. Definitely did that!


New Member
I applied for Ocean and Core, but after my command sent in my application in the comments section on the STA-21 website there was a note saying that I was not eligible for Core because I am too old (27). I should have thought that through before I sent off my package but I read everywhere that you should apply for both a target group AND core.... so I did. I think what I'm trying to say is that if you don't qualify for an option that they will tell you upfront, and give you a chance to send in your clearance request, eval, missing PRT or whatever. With that said, I still can't help but think that I'm that one guy that didn't qualify for Ocean because of something else.

On another note, I just had a discussion with a buddy of mine about the odds of the results coming out BEFORE this long weekend and he thinks that they are in our favor! If they don't come out tomorrow though, I doubt we'll see anything til Tuesday....


New Member
Is there anyone else out there waiting to apply until after the results come out. I've prepared my transfer apps and everything but would it be beneficial to just send them in? When is the deadline to know about acceptance anyway?
man just wait.... a couple of days are not gonna make a lot of difference


New Member
It would be nice to know so that I can find something else to occupy my time. I think i will go for a run. I wish everyone a joyous and stress free weekend wether we find out the results or not! Blessings.


New Member
I don't completely think the numbers on the brief were correct. I have been looking at the MEDCORPS program for the better part of three years now (2nd year applying) and the number of applicants has averaged 120ish. The brief read significantly less than that. This leads to a little bit of suspicion, especially since I read the brief as IW-centric also.

We'll see... I am kicking myself in the a$$ for not submitting all of my personal awards though. I didn't know they were worth so many points.


New Member
well i think i will take my lead from nat...i am shutting down for the night. i am not so sure this is all that healthy...lol ;) be back on in the morn. for those of you who have learned you have a much better chance than you originally thought based on those numbers from the feedback report...congrats. for those of you who realized that the competition is a little steeper than you orininally thought....good luck and keep your head up, i am right there with you.