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FY 2012 IDC Boards


Well-Known Member
Because of a Navy-wide exercise, the results were not promulgated until today — so they should be making their way into the hands of the NRDs "soon".
If any NRD says they don't have them they need to contact NRC, the results were sent out via email blast at 0730 EST.


I am thinking that the biggest negative about me is my lack of "management" experience. I am only 22 years old, but I have a lot of IT experience. My Management experience would be project management. Do you know if they have a non-DCO program? It seems like DCO is for people who are older and not for new officers who plan on being in for 20+ more years.


Well-Known Member
They do have a non-DCO program: it's called OCS, and it's for people who are usually around your age and who want to join the Navy as an Officer — but as active duty. You could join as an enlisted reservist, get some experience, and then go DCO in a few years...or you could wait until you've gained some quantifiable leadership experience in the civilian world, and it doesn't have to be via employment...it could be volunteer organizations, community service, etc. DCO is really geared toward people who are already professionals with leadership experience, and many with advanced degrees. OCS, in theory, takes people and teaches them leadership skills.


I am currently in the Air National Guard. Thats too bad that the Navy doesn't send Reservists to OCS. That is the path that I think would be best for me.


Well-Known Member
They do have a non-DCO program: it's called OCS, and it's for people who are usually around your age and who want to join the Navy as an Officer — but as active duty. You could join as an enlisted reservist, get some experience, and then go DCO in a few years...or you could wait until you've gained some quantifiable leadership experience in the civilian world, and it doesn't have to be via employment...it could be volunteer organizations, community service, etc. DCO is really geared toward people who are already professionals with leadership experience, and many with advanced degrees. OCS, in theory, takes people and teaches them leadership skills.

I sent him a PM with some guidance, given his age he has many options, and time.

What is making me go WTF is I have been seeing more people selected for DCO with no advanced degrees, no certs, no Intel exp, no CEC experience, no leadership, no management, just out of college and getting picked up?


Well-Known Member
Well, have you considered the State OCS option through the Air National Guard? I think it's like a year and a half-ish of drill weekends where you do a drill-format OCS. You could then apply for Navy DCO and keep the same rank...


The Air Guard only has so many slots and even less O-1(entry level) slots. The Army Guard has the program that you are speaking of.


Well-Known Member
The Air Guard only has so many slots and even less O-1(entry level) slots. The Army Guard has the program that you are speaking of.

Things are changing for them (NG), guys in ROTC that were planning on getting Active USA spots are now being told some are getting USAR/NG spots, some are not getting commissioned at all! I am seeing a few of the NG recruiters in a couple weeks and I am sure they will have some stories to tell.

The Riddick

IP Officer, USNR
Alright guys, I've been a silent stalker on this site for awhile, but I'm one shot one kill for this past selection! I was selected for the IP community. My quals are as follows:

Schooling -
BS in Computer Science
BS in Information Technology (Network Design and Mgmt).
M.Sc in Information Security and Assurance M.Sc in Network Management (In progress)

Work - 7 years Federal employee (currently from a GS-05 to my current GS-11, Server Administrator)

Secret cleared in JPAS

Certs -

MCSE(Sec+Msg),CCNA, CEH, CHFI, A+, Net+, Sec+, G27000 SCJP, MCITP, Project +, MCDST, MCSA, CIW DB admin CNSS recognized *currently working toward a CISSP


New Member
Personally, I found this application process to be an eye opener. I was non-select this round. My quals are very similar to @The_Riddick except that I have been a state employee for 14 years. The only difference I could foresee as to why i was passed is that of my age and "life encumbrances" (I am 37 and have two kids). When I spoke with my recruiter about my status and asked for insight into why I was not selected I was told that it was based on my endorsements being "85%". I was interviewed by a W5, 2 04's, and an 06 which I travelled two states away to meet and payed for the expense of travel and lodging out of my own pocket. I am fairly certain that my interviews with the W5 and 06 were excellent so if there was a low endorsement it would've had to come from the 04's. To be passed because of a low endorsement seems somewhat of a slap in the face considering that, professionally, I exceed the expectations for an IP Officer. If my endorsements were low I can only speculate that it was a result of someone's misconception that a long deployment for someone like me would be difficult and could potentially affect my performance. I don't understand how this type of assessment can be objectively measured. I think it's more a subjective "like" or "dislike" attitude towards the applicant. I also don't understand why this would be used as a factor when there are so many in my situation that are serving. I'm sure that being away on a long deployment does not get easier with time. So the way I see it is that in order for me to have a chance on the next board, I would have to rank up several additional interviews from other high ranking officers to "counter" the lower endorsements I potentially received from the o4's. Even then it isn't clear whether or not that is enough to get a select status.