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FY 2012 IDC Boards


Marc (IP Ensign)
Actually, I've only talked to IW's. I haven't been able to find an IP yet that isn't deployed.
I had my panel interviews today. I thought I rocked them, but you never know. I should get my scores back on Tuesday or so. They were super impressed with my resume and experience. Too bad I didnt get to have a panel last time I applied. Good luck to everyone who applied this time!


New Member
Looks like I'm moving to the East Coast very soon. I will be in the area for NIRR Mid Atlantic. A quick search of the recruiting district showed that my recruiter would be all the way in Boston (three hour drive). So now the search begins for a new recruiter and resubmission for the March boards. Any advise on how to make the transition and the pitfalls to watch for?


I changed recruiters too, PapaK. I met with a new recruiter, contacted my old recruiter and had him FedEx my entire file to the new recruiter - all original documents. They can track it, and then your new recruiter is completely caught up with what the old recruiter did.
Then I sat with the new recruiter, with my original documents and package - and with the board checklist - to see what she needed or saw that I could improve (i.e. get another interview in the area, etc) before re-submitting my package.
I only first applied last September, so its only been a year for me. I ended up appling for IP, IW, and Intel (in that order). So hopefully I get picked up for one.


New Member
Good luck all...Followed ya'll over from the 2011 thread. Been in a month and a half after starting this fun process last December. First drill is coming up! Done my IP Community Indoc and am starting the PME work. Just when you think you've been poked and prodded both psychologically and physically you put on the uniform and the work begins! Having fun, going in debt buying uniforms, and waiting to hear back from the detailer when I am going to DCOIC. Here's hoping for the best for you all, fair seas and following winds!