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FY09 STA-21 Soup to selection and beyond MEGA thread


Combat Air Crew
However, I can say... people on this site ALWAYS get the information before it is released, so I know we will all have the results before they are released! just when will that be?


FY09 STA-21 NFO Select
However, I can say... people on this site ALWAYS get the information before it is released, so I know we will all have the results before they are released! just when will that be?
I hope that they are released soon. I think last year's results were out on the 4th of October. What program are you applying for?


Freshly stashed Ensign
we all understand that, but weren't you the same way while you were waiting for results, come on read last years thread its the same! It's natural to worry and sweat it.

Like I said, I was anxious for the results to come out. Anyone who cares about getting selected is going to have some nerves waiting for the results. What I didn't do was speculate on every aspect of what the website says to try and figure out if I got selected. Nothing against those who saw the leaks over the past few years, but I didn't even see any of the leaks and it didn't bother me that I "missed" them. All I'm saying is that it's pointless to sit here talking about how "mine says this or that" and then assuming it means something. All that does is create more worries. Relax guys and gals, the results will be out soon. Go get your perscriptions, take as required, and watch for the results (the real ones).;)


Combat Air Crew
I also applied for the core, but my package is basically all or nothing. With only 2 selectees last year, I had to really emphasize on the medical aspect. So if not selected for the MCO, the core part of my package is not that impressive. It's all about give and take, and if you're not all in.... then you're sure to get passed up. It might come back to haunt me, but I felt it was the only way to be competitive.


Well-Known Member
There were quite a few people last year who had something other than core as their primary option but then were selected for core anyway. I wouldn't say it's all or nothing.


Combat Air Crew
That's good to know, makes me feel a little better there. But let me throw this out there. My CO said something to me after I did my final interview with him... Of course he was very impressed by my package and I assume he gave me high marks, but he gave me a few words to take with me. He said that it's very important to know where you are and what you are doing, nomatter what you end up doing in the military... doctor, pilot, supply officer, whatever, never forget that you are first and formost an naval officer, and that should always come first.
Just something for all of us to think about.


FY09 STA-21 Pilot Alternate
Looks like a lot of you are emailing Ed. Lol, poor guy. I will be curious as to if everyones screen will eventually loose the checklist though. People can think that we are nukin it, but this happened last year and turned out to be true. Mr. Straten gave me the same generic response last year then they closed everyones' status. Be careful posting his emails, they are official.


FY09 STA-21 NFO Select
anybody have the insight on estimated quotas this year?

This was posted earlier in the thread:

Originally Posted by AME1Tack

According to pg 300 of the budget submitted to the President, there should be the the same number of STA-21 slots, 210 ,and 3-month boost slots, 50.

Since the numbers are the same as last year my guess is that the quotas for each option "should" be around the same as they were last year give or take a few slots here and there.


New Member
I truly believe the selection process is random. The number 2 guy in my command last year was selected over the the number 1 for sta-21. He had zero ep's. the only thing he had going for him was that he was a third class with college under his belt, CDI and EAWS. Thats it......and some of his college classes had F's. To bad he had njp the day before results came out. After reading the many posts of you guys being rejected while having EP's, NAMs, the number 1 stud in the command, and having an associates degree I truly feel that the selection process is almost random. Thats why i believe so many of us are nervous. Im sure they truly have a good reasoning for their selection process. I would like to read all or your prospectives of the selection process.......


Combat Air Crew
That is true... there doesn't seem to be any paticular trait to getting the advantage in the selection process. More or less the right place at the right time.
Its got to be safe to say that the boards are over by now... the application web site is already posting for Fy10. How many people still have there check list?