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FY09 STA-21 Soup to selection and beyond MEGA thread


New Member

don'r worry!! we'll know and be sure to post the results on here! :) what's your rate/last name? i can let you know via email, if nothing else.


To worry or wonder

This is my second year to apply. It seems since so many applicates' Package Status now posts CLOSED, that it would be more probable that the ones that are still open would be the ones chosen since there are fewer of them. Or maybe the board is still reviewing. I had all the required documents plus more and 5 CDRs, 2 LTs, 4 ENSs and several Chiefs reviewed my package before it was sent in, as well as myself 30 times or more since this is the last time I can apply to STA-21 due to age. My package status is NOT CLOSED, but the rest of the applicants' Package Status from my command are CLOSED. But, then again, it could just be me and wishful thinking.


FY09 STA-21 Pilot Hopeful
My package status is NOT CLOSED, but the rest of the applicants' Package Status from my command are CLOSED. But, then again, it could just be me and wishful thinking.

I am joining you in some wishful thinking:D. It sucks that I am the only one from my command that applied or I'd have someone to compare against.


They selected 2 with 1 alternate last year, the year before 1 selectee and 0 alternates for the option I applied for. With a ton of hard work put towards this since day one of Enlistment 4 years ago, wishful thinking and prayer is helping with the anxiousness of the waiting game. I do wish all of you the best.


New Member
So... My package status is still a list, I have 4 EPs, 7 years time in, 97 credits, 2 nams, and 4 CDRs endorsing me, as well as IT and FC backgrounds for SWO/IP, wishful thinking?


Combating TIP training AGAIN?!
I think you are probably going to get picked up if you stick with it. My package didn't look nearly that good and I got in.


New Member
reading the fy08 sta-21 thread, it is said that there is some sort of leak almost every year. Since the board has apparently concluded, it would make more sense that, if it were some sort of leak, the people who still have their checklist are the selectees. Bad news for me? There's always next year... :)


FY09 STA-21 NFO Select
Who knows it could be the exact opposite, or the website guys haven't finished updating everyones applications yet. Hopefully in two weeks we will know where we stand.


Gene Police: You!! Out Of The Pool!
Someone could always email them and ask, from reading last years thread they seemed pretty helpful.


I applied for Supply Corps last year and this year. I have had 3EP as a 3rd, Frocked MP a year ago as a 2nd, 3 CDRs endorsements who are well known in the community, 1 NAM for Heroic Lifesaving, 1 Volunteer Service Medal for 500+ hrs over 2 1/2 yrs with Child Abuse prevention and awareness, teaching kids to swim, and working with troubled teens in the community, made 2nd the day before my 3 year anniversary, Associates Degree, 99 transferable credits, and alot more. No 1 pick at my last command for last year's package and No 1 pick this year. Yet, we really do not know until results come out. I know people who barely met the criteria that got picked up and peolple that exceded them greatly that were not picked up until their 2nd and even 3rd time of applying. we will have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Who all is taking advantage of TA and furthering their education right now? Focus on that and the rest will come. When the results come out there is even a longer wait to PCS. Don't waste this time. You should be taking classes to knock that calc or physics class out. If your not up to speed on those, don't hesitate to start taking the lower level maths to get you to where you need to be.


loving my warm and comfy 214 blanket


Freshly stashed Ensign


I got picked up last year, it was my 3rd time applying. Every year I was anxious for the results. You have to realize that there is NOTHING you can do about your selection after Aug. 1, nor can you determine when the results come out. Just have some patience and when the results come out, they're out. Sweating over this stuff is doing nothing positive for you at all. Take a deep breath...aaahhhhh!