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FY10 STA-21 Applicants gather round!


New Member
Just apply for the earliest semester available. Once you're accepted to the school, it isn't a big deal to change which semester. I had to change my semester of enrollment after I got accepted and all it took was a phone call. I'm not sure how much college you have right now, but you could end up going to BOOST and if that is the case you wouldn't be starting college until next Fall semester anyway.

There will be a deadline for getting all your paperwork in and I can promise that you will feel like you have no time to get it all done, but you'll make it. Just remember, the STA-21 people aren't trying to get you kicked out of the program after you get selected. They will help you out where they can.

The first semester you attend college will be based on which NSI class you are in. The first NSI class (FEB-APR) begins college in the summer semester. The second NSI class (MAY-JUL?) starts classes in the Fall.


New Member
First post. And many posts thereafter. Use your chain, enough said.

I read through those. Good stuff. Reminds me of some ensigns that I met on my runnings around the fleet. I knew some 'brilliant' ensigns.
On a side note I wont/wouldnt do it. I dont have the testicular fortitude to write something about a NAVADMIN on his wall, even if I did once share an elevator with the man. (it was the highlight of my week)


The first semester you attend college will be based on which NSI class you are in. The first NSI class (FEB-APR) begins college in the summer semester. The second NSI class (MAY-JUL?) starts classes in the Fall.

All nuke option OC's attend the first one, just FYI.


New Member
That's good to know, as my husband is a Nuke. Now, if we could just get some results.....

Hurry up and wait, as they say.


New Member
The main reason he was disqualified is because of being out of SNA standards. You are not guaranteed to receive PRK until you sign your informed consent. The opthal's wont know the shape of your eyes until the imagining is complete. So even though you are scheduled for examination, there's no gurantee you will receive PRK. Which is why you need to be SNA qualified prior to receiving PRK, in case you are not qualified for PRK/LASIK. However, if you are already SNA qualified as of this moment, you will have no problems with the waiver provided medical does their job. Good luck to you !

I already went through the whole screening process now twice due to my command. I am ready and approved for the surgery as soon as possible, and the ophthalmologist says I have great eyes for the procedure and thinks I can come out with 20/15. I have also been in touch my NAMI and my local flight sergon about this and explained the situation to them. The probelm is my command is not letting me do the sergery until they see my name on that list due to my job as an AWR. My CO said if it comes down to it he will call and explain that the reason I am currently out of standards is due to him needing me to go to sea. My plan is to request the second NSI class of the year because by then I will be complete with all the post op PRK screenings.


New Member


How many people here have used their rescpective COC's to address this issue? I think most will say that they haven't becasue they know that the COC wont do shi+. Even if the COC did do something, it would take at least a month. COC's never do shit.

I LMAO when I re-read this....screw the COC!!

I'll agree with the COC doing anything in this situation, or even being ABLE to do anything in this situation. That still doesn't give you the right to go right to the CNO, or an entity representing him on a social networking page and ask him yourself. Same goes for addressing the MCPON as if he was one of your facebook buddies from high school.
I'll agree with the COC doing anything in this situation, or even being ABLE to do anything in this situation. That still doesn't give you the right to go right to the CNO, or an entity representing him on a social networking page and ask him yourself. Same goes for addressing the MCPON as if he was one of your facebook buddies from high school.

I concur


New Member
This is my first ever post in this forum, but I have been viewing for quite some time now hoping for results. I am awaiting results, hoping every day they will post. I applied for the the NFO option, I am a first time applicant. I am currently on an IA tour in Iraq. Does anyone know how being IA will effect me if I'm selected, my orders have me here until June 2010. I'm sure if I end up on that list I will have a million other questions, I'm so glad my Chief turned me on to Airwarrior before I departed. Thanks.


FY10 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
These days out to sea go by so slow.. considering the only things I look forward to (these results; which are NEVER coming, and getting back to my wife and kiddo at the end of the month) SEEM SOO DISTANT!!!!!!!!!!!


FY10 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
I'll agree with the COC doing anything in this situation, or even being ABLE to do anything in this situation. That still doesn't give you the right to go right to the CNO, or an entity representing him on a social networking page and ask him yourself. Same goes for addressing the MCPON as if he was one of your facebook buddies from high school.

I agree. But wouldn't it be nice if he really was your friend. Then you might be able to say something...:icon_smil