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FY10 STA-21 Applicants gather round!


So, who wants to bet that September advancement results will be out before STA21 FY10 results?

That is extremely possible...
I really think the issue with these results is budget related and above Ferguson's control... The idea that it's the new administration's first year and that the money for STA-21 comes from a supplement to the Defense Authorization...


New Member
5 to 1 sounds good to me. I really hope that it doesn't turn out that way though. You know, advancement results coming in right after sta-21, or at the same time or worse yet, even before sta-21 results.


Future SNFO
:icon_tonghaha you know what sucks about the whole thing is talking about getting to 2000 posts was just joking and getting to 3000 was really far fetched but it looks like its going to happen. that is way to funny to me.


FY10 STA-21 Pilot Selectee
At this rate they are going to need to include a letter of explanation with the results....I just don't understand WHAT the hold up is.... What could possibly make them so late?

I really want something. I thought it was rediculous to wait till the end of October. Then it was frusterating to wait all of last week. Now we still have no *REAL* indication of when these results will be out and why it's taken so long. All I want is real answers. *SIGH* I guess that might just be too much to ask.


New Member
You know MCPON has a FB site and wall to post to. Upon further inspection so does the CNO! Now the question of the hour who has the little swingers to post to his wall??


New Member
Just my experience, and I don't mean to rain on your parade, but if you don't get a bona-fide SNA physical submitted by the deadline (or close to it) there is a very good chance you will lose your spot and it will go to an alternate. This happened to someone I know who was in a very similar situation. He was selected for Pilot, scheduled for PRK, but out of SNA standards before the surgery. His request for an extention until after his PRK was denied and he lost his spot because he was NPQ for SNA when the physical was due. He ended up being selected for NFO later on. If you won't be PQ until February, I would say it isn't looking good for your chances. The fact that you won't be flying for X amount of years has no bearing on any of it. You have to pass a SNA physical to be accepted into STA-21 as a 1390. If you get picked up for Core, you should be fine. At least that's what I've seen.

That said, you should still do everything in your power to get your waiver, extention, etc. The worst thing they can do is say no, but if you don't try then you already know the answer. Worst case scenario is that you have to re-apply next year. I do wish you the best of luck.

The main reason he was disqualified is because of being out of SNA standards. You are not guaranteed to receive PRK until you sign your informed consent. The opthal's wont know the shape of your eyes until the imagining is complete. So even though you are scheduled for examination, there's no gurantee you will receive PRK. Which is why you need to be SNA qualified prior to receiving PRK, in case you are not qualified for PRK/LASIK. However, if you are already SNA qualified as of this moment, you will have no problems with the waiver provided medical does their job. Good luck to you !