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FY12 STA-21 Applicants


For the SWO-Oceano and Oceanography hopefuls, Naval Oceanography Command, has issued word for 4 sta-21 slots. I dont know if this is 2 SWO-Oceano and 2 Oceanography, however just a little insight on something. To give a minor ballpark.


New Member
For the SWO-Oceano and Oceanography hopefuls, Naval Oceanography Command, has issued word for 4 sta-21 slots. I dont know if this is 2 SWO-Oceano and 2 Oceanography, however just a little insight on something. To give a minor ballpark.
Where did you hear about that from?


US Navy Diver
For the SWO-Oceano and Oceanography hopefuls, Naval Oceanography Command, has issued word for 4 sta-21 slots. I dont know if this is 2 SWO-Oceano and 2 Oceanography, however just a little insight on something. To give a minor ballpark.
I saw a similar thing for SWO/ED. The SWO/ED option (showing 5 STA-21 seats) was in the ED Brief released back in April. However they said a similar thing for last year too and only had 2 seats instead of 5.

Either way, I wouldn't rely on that info but it is nice to get an idea.


Where did you hear about that from?

They released a letter from METOC with the info regarding FY-11 and 6 total being selected (2 SWO/OCEANO and 4 OCEANO) and stated 4 opportunities for this upcoming cycle. I dont really know how much to rely on this letter because like DIVERDAN stated, when the actual results came out it was less. Either way i was just trying to put info to give somewhat of a hope to the Oceano Applicants considering it not being to popular of an Option.


New Member
They released a letter from METOC with the info regarding FY-11 and 6 total being selected (2 SWO/OCEANO and 4 OCEANO) and stated 4 opportunities for this upcoming cycle. I dont really know how much to rely on this letter because like DIVERDAN stated, when the actual results came out it was less. Either way i was just trying to put info to give somewhat of a hope to the Oceano Applicants considering it not being to popular of an Option.
I'm not trying to probe just looking to see where I can get more info! It's seems to be extremely difficult to get solid information on what to expect.


I'm not trying to probe just looking to see where I can get more info! It's seems to be extremely difficult to get solid information on what to expect.

Naw i hear you bro. Either way, i just look for any info pertinent to the situation. it just helps me get through this waiting game.


killer boots man!
I really hope I get accepted. I made alt last year and I know for a fact that 2 other people were selcected for their PRI with an inferior package. A lot has to do with...are you willing to follow up a second time. If I don't get accepted im going to get out. I can't take enlisted anymore. Move up or move on.


I really hope I get accepted. I made alt last year and I know for a fact that 2 other people were selcected for their PRI with an inferior package. A lot has to do with...are you willing to follow up a second time. If I don't get accepted im going to get out. I can't take enlisted anymore. Move up or move on.

you know for a fact?? dang man that really does suck then. like really.

David M. Holland

East Meets West
I really hope I get accepted. I made alt last year and I know for a fact that 2 other people were selcected for their PRI with an inferior package. A lot has to do with...are you willing to follow up a second time. If I don't get accepted im going to get out. I can't take enlisted anymore. Move up or move on.
I heard that before, I didn't put in last year and decided to wait. Oh well. Me too, I am getting out if I don't get it. It makes me no difference. I almost have my degree anyway.

David M. Holland

East Meets West
I heard that before, I didn't put in last year and decided to wait. Oh well. Me too, I am getting out if I don't get it. It makes me no difference. I almost have my degree anyway.
I want to amind that statement. Staying enlisted is probably the easier task at this point. Officers SWO don't get that much rest. And their responsiblity level makes chief look like a golden option. A chief does not have to worry about the sun, moon, and what his bosses wife thinks of him. So there are pros- and cons to it all. But something new is always nice. LCDR and above is where it is not that easy.


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
I want to amind that statement. Staying enlisted is probably the easier task at this point. Officers SWO don't get that much rest. And their responsiblity level makes chief look like a golden option. A chief does not have to worry about the sun, moon, and what his bosses wife thinks of him. So there are pros- and cons to it all. But something new is always nice. LCDR and above is where it is not that easy.
Alright, let me preface this statement with the statement that there is nothing I'd be prouder of in my career than earning a commission through this program. BUT, by no means is that based on the notion that being a GOOD Chief Petty Officer in the Navy is any less prestigious. I'd be proud to join them in their Chief's Mess. A good Chief is supposed to train the Officers that are coming up through the ranks and impart their knowledge and experience upon them to keep the Navy running. They are also responsible to taking care of their juniors (which includes standing up to their seniors on their juniors behalf when warranted) on a 24-7 basis. So if you are thinking that the enlisted ranks are any easier at the Chief Petty Officer level, then I believe you are a bit misguided. Remember, what makes a Mustang so special is that they have the experience from both sides. I hope that when/if the Navy see's it fit to commission me as an Officer, I remember where I came from.


US Navy Diver
jeeplovindad said it quite well. I'd have to agree that being a mustang helps give one a better understanding of the enlisted side, however I'd also like to add that it is not the Officer that leads the enlisted. The Officer "leads" the Chief and it's the Chief's duty to lead the enlisted. Of course there are rare exceptions but its that fact that I think everyone should remember in deciding to go Officer or not.

It all boils down to what you wanna do. If leading people and having a direct impact on the mission is what you desire then going Chief is the route you should look at. If having larger yet more broad impacts upon the Navy is your desire then an Officer program may be what you want. It's what you wish to do long term that matters most.

And its hard to say what job is easier or harder. Each are unique and have their own pros and cons. I'm not trying to correct anyone, just add my thoughts.

David M. Holland

East Meets West
Indeed, E-7 is an accomplishment. I didn't want to over glorify the O-ranks. Being I am so near my EAOs, I see how some of the lower ranks see officers as a glory job. I was there, sweeping a broom, washing toilets, wishing I was someone else. Now that I am niether here nor there, the guys that are not depended on are not the men you wish to be, in the correct limits that is, officer or enlisted. I know both officer and enlisted that have not found a meaningful place, and it never ended well for them. I know seamen sharper than a pencil tip. Some are even applying for officer in this forum. But I digress. I really don't know how much Japan has influenced us. Honor is over stated here maybe.