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FY12 STA-21 Applicants


New Member
My package never went through for this year basically due to me not getting my officer board established in time. Epic fail. However, I recently found out my command issued an instruction on commissioning programs (primarily STA-21) with timelines they want stuff scheduled as well as how superiors go about helping their junior sailors through the process. Wow, talk about an embarrasment turned into a blessing.


killer boots man!
@Eblack - Yes....for a fact! lol. It does suck but I got over it and I am glad they got picked up. I am in the same situation with EAOS other on this forum. I was approved for PTS but if I don't get picked up I am going to get out anyways. Enlisted life is nothing to be ashamed of and I am only this motived to become an Officer because of the chiefs and 1st classes that pushed me. ( I made sure I put that on my personal statement) However, I do look at 1st class and chief as a step backwards vise the step forward that O-1E would be. I hope to see you all in RI! Who else is going for pilot?

David M. Holland

East Meets West
Be sure to try out Navy Flying Warrrant if you have the time, it is far more competative, but you can put that on your list of trys. For my rating, it is actually easier to go Army Flying Warrant.


killer boots man!
Be sure to try out Navy Flying Warrrant if you have the time, it is far more competative, but you can put that on your list of trys. For my rating, it is actually easier to go Army Flying Warrant.

I always knew about the program but never gave it a second thought. I didn't think about the flying warrant program until maybe march or april because someone said why not do it....I was like wow I can't believe I didn't think of that. Anyways, the deadline for that was May or June and it was already too late for me. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Whats your rate by the way? Im an AD

David M. Holland

East Meets West
Im an FC2. Yeah, there was a big influx from people not being able to make STA. I could tell by the number of attempting this year.

David M. Holland

East Meets West
I am an Aegis Computer type. Not much glory in it. Hey dude, just to talk about something interesting, what was a couple of things that set you apart from other people. I personally became a CSOOW at E-5 level. I got so much hateration off of that. Thing is, I didn't even think it was a big deal. I just didn't want to be called lazy. Well, the EPs never stopped coming after that. Ha!


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
I'm actually an instructor at ATRC (SPY). I guess the one stand out fact about my package is that I was a CSC as a Second - first one ever on the boat and 1 of 3 for our last deployment. We'll see, my wife is more nervous about next month than I am.

David M. Holland

East Meets West
Ok, I will private message you. I got peeps there. But your package is like steel, whoa! That master training specialist is a big deal!


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
Does anyone know when the board is actually convening? I'm looking forward to when they "accidentally" start changing status on the STA website ... that's always exciting.


New Member
Does anyone know when the board is actually convening? I'm looking forward to when they "accidentally" start changing status on the STA website ... that's always exciting.
I've been asking the same question... why do we not know when the board convenes??? Is there anyone else out there who put in for the Oceanography option? I am really looking for people to compare my package with for lessons learned whether or not we get picked up or not. If anyone is interested, my email is mboardmanusn@aol.com


New Member
I've been asking the same question... why do we not know when the board convenes??? Is there anyone else out there who put in for the Oceanography option? I am really looking for people to compare my package with for lessons learned whether or not we get picked up or not. If anyone is interested, my email is mboardmanusn@aol.com

Board convenes September 12. My Flag Sec passed it to me via message.

Keith Delgado

FY-12 Med Corps Alternate
I cannot wait for the results to come out. I log into the STA-21 website all the time although I know nothing new is there! This is my first time applying and feel my package is extremely strong. Are there any others applying for the Med Corps?