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FY12 STA-21 Applicants

Jennifer Båtstad

FY-13 STA-21 Selectee
My package never went through for this year basically due to me not getting my officer board established in time. Epic fail. However, I recently found out my command issued an instruction on commissioning programs (primarily STA-21) with timelines they want stuff scheduled as well as how superiors go about helping their junior sailors through the process. Wow, talk about an embarrasment turned into a blessing.

My command did the same thing this year... if nothing else, it addressed the need for an organized, command-supported approach to enlisted commissioning programs. It's something to learn from. By now you should have a good basis for your package for FY-13. Good luck!


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
My command did the same thing this year... if nothing else, it addressed the need for an organized, command-supported approach to enlisted commissioning programs. It's something to learn from. By now you should have a good basis for your package for FY-13. Good luck!
You two handled this better than I would have ... this scenario would have completely tore me up and while it was like pulling teeth at times getting the follow through I was looking for, I'm glad that they had a designated O-3 who was responsible for ensuring that boards were set up. I guess what I'm trying to convey is that even though there is a Command "timeline" and Officers to support it, it's going to be you who needs to push the envelope and make sure it happens.
On a different note, supposedly the board convened today. Just another milestone in the process.


Alright, who wants to start a pool for when the results will be out. I didn't want to follow the forum too close until after the first week of fantasy football. Now that Steven Jackson, Austin Collie, and Adrian Foster all completely screwed my team up in week 1, it is time to focus on the even more unimaginable task....
I've been stagnant long enough. Lets do a question of the day on the DB....day 1, or day "Sept 13, 2011"

What day do you think results will be leaked to the applicants (not posted on a NAVADMIN)

My guess...the Navy's Birthday...Thursday, October 13th


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
Alright, who wants to start a pool for when the results will be out. I didn't want to follow the forum too close until after the first week of fantasy football. Now that Steven Jackson, Austin Collie, and Adrian Foster all completely screwed my team up in week 1, it is time to focus on the even more unimaginable task....
I've been stagnant long enough. Lets do a question of the day on the DB....day 1, or day "Sept 13, 2011"

What day do you think results will be leaked to the applicants (not posted on a NAVADMIN)

My guess...the Navy's Birthday...Thursday, October 13th
I've got October 8th, though I think this is me hoping/wanting it to come this early. But I like it, October 8th the results will be out - a great day for some, an anticipated date for all.


FY12 STA-21 SWO Selectee
I'm gonna go with October 20th. They're almost always in late October. Anybody else try getting a degree plan from their college of choice yet? I talked to my first choice and none of their degree plans fit the 36 months so I'm worried I won't be able to go there.


US Navy Diver
I'm gonna place an educated guess of October 18th.

Still come early October I'll be looking almost daily in anticipation.

Keith Delgado

FY-12 Med Corps Alternate
My command did the same thing this year... if nothing else, it addressed the need for an organized, command-supported approach to enlisted commissioning programs. It's something to learn from. By now you should have a good basis for your package for FY-13. Good luck!
Your package got in on time though right? I think that commands make it hard for the applicant on purpose. I believe the officer community wants to know that you are willing to do whatever you have to do to get the package complete, like jumping through hoops etc. etc. You could only imagine how many applicants there would be if it was just a cookie cutter process. Not only that, it makes you feel damn good when that package is complete!!


FY-12 Specwar Alternate
Do selectees usually find out the results by looking online or do their CO's get notified early to let them know? I'm a Spec War applicant, so I am not in the air community but I have gotten a lot a good information from this thread. Thanks to everyone that has contributed. I have no idea when the results will come out but obviously I hope sooner rather than later. I'll take October 17th. Hope I'm wrong and it comes out sooner. Good luck everyone!


FY13 Sta-21 Applicant EDO/SWO
Do selectees usually find out the results by looking online or do their CO's get notified early to let them know? I'm a Spec War applicant, so I am not in the air community but I have gotten a lot a good information from this thread. Thanks to everyone that has contributed. I have no idea when the results will come out but obviously I hope sooner rather than later. I'll take October 17th. Hope I'm wrong and it comes out sooner. Good luck everyone!
You keep track of this website and you may just find out here!


AC -> OC -> O3E
How far in advance of the results being released online did your CoC let you know?

Keep an eye out on this website if you can. The results are usually leaked early and only remain up for a few hours until one of the mods remove them. Somebody will copy them and once they are removed you will have to PM everyone to communicate about the results until they are officially released. This is how I found out days before the results were released via NAVADMIN.

Even though I found out before the results were officially released, no one in my CoC received any notification of my selection. I went to my COs office a week after the results were released to thank him for his help but he had no idea I was even selected. Not sure why some commands get a message about selectees and some don't. It could be that my CoC was lazy and didn't care but people like that don't exist in the Navy. Right? :rolleyes: