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FY14 STA-21 Applicants


Active Member
However, it is really hard to get around the number of quotas versus number of qualified applicants. I am sure a lot of us feel this way. Well I guess we can all play the waiting game now. Its not that bad of a wait until October hits. At that point, most F5 keys can't keep up.

And most likely the qualified applicants that weren't selected last year all improved their package. I know that mine has progressively got better every year, as I'm sure many of the returning applicants can say the same. Add an ever decreasing number of quotas and it's creating a bottle-neck. I wish I could have applied when they were selecting 200 sailors...I would feel a lot differently about my chances.


Active Member
So, I'm a little frustrated right now. Just saw the update for the review of my package and I have two comments. One is that I did not have the people put their job titles on the interview sheet. I spoke with my adviser and he informed me that he printed them in the margins like the instruction says to. I'm thinking they overlooked them.

Additionally they said I did not include paragraph 6 on my cover letter. I lived in the instruction this year, and the instruction does not include a paragraph six, so that is what I went by. I hope they will not count this against me and disqualify my package.

How willing are they to let you update things, especially with something like I have encountered? Did I overlook an update to the instruction, or are they just comparing mine to the sample provided on the website? I think the hardest part is that I have to wait until Monday to speak with them about it.

Jeremy Springston

FY14 CEC Option
Additionally they said I did not include paragraph 6 on my cover letter. I lived in the instruction this year, and the instruction does not include a paragraph six, so that is what I went by. I hope they will not count this against me and disqualify my package.

I double checked both the instruction and the website just to be sure. You are correct; there is no paragraph 6 on the version in the instruction. However, if you check the sample they uploaded to the website, you will find paragraph 6:

-- 6. I understand that as per Section 6328 of Title 10, U.S. Code, time spent in school will not count for retirement. However, such active service shall be counted in computing the years of active service for all other purposes. --

Since all of your required documents were submitted on time, I would imagine them allowing you to submit an updated cover letter so long as you get it to them before the 01 August deadline for additional submissions. If they allow re-submission, use the one on the website and you will be good to go.

Jeremy Springston

FY14 CEC Option
Argh! Why did my post show up like that?! Now I feel like an idiot....this is why I fix people and stay away from computers as much as possible.


Active Member

Yeah, after seeing the response to my package I realized that. My adviser had told me to always go by the instruction whenever there's a conflict. Like I said...just frustrating. Hopefully everything will work out.


Active Member
Whenever I've emailed questions they have always stressed that the web site takes precedence ....

Yeah...just saw that. Man, I feel like an idiot. I knew in previous years why I had used those and don't know why I let myself get sidetracked by the instruction this time. Hopefully they will let me update it.

Jeremy Springston

FY14 CEC Option
Yeah...just saw that. Man, I feel like an idiot. I knew in previous years why I had used those and don't know why I let myself get sidetracked by the instruction this time. Hopefully they will let me update it.

And if all else fails, go to Pensacola (on your dime, of course...thank you very much sequestration) with your updated application in hand, knock on the door and (as kids say these days) drop it like a microphone while wearing a shirt that says "Like a Boss". If nothing else, 1) they will have your stuff and 2) they certainly will not forget who you are.

Or email it. Either way.

Doc B-dorf

No FY15 Program for me! Almost done w/school!
And if all else fails, go to Pensacola (on your dime, of course...thank you very much sequestration) with your updated application in hand, knock on the door and (as kids say these days) drop it like a microphone while wearing a shirt that says "Like a Boss". If nothing else, 1) they will have your stuff and 2) they certainly will not forget who you are.

Or email it. Either way.

But if you choose option A and you go to Pensacola, make sure that after you throw down your package wearing aformentioned shirt, you HAVE to put on black sunglasses and say "Deal with it," and walk out.

True they would never forget you, and that would not be the impression you want to make, but it would solve the question every year of whether you got selected or not :p

Personally, if I was sitting the board and heard of this, I would think "This Sailor has balls! That's what we need in the *insert community here*"


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Personally, if I was sitting the board and heard of this, I would think "This Sailor has balls! That's what we need in the *insert community here*"
Doc, I think that would have been true back in the day, when Warriors/warfighting were job ONE. But in the present PC, kinder, gentler Navy... zero defects/0.00 breathalyzers & constant power point gatherings, trump training audacious warfighters. I hope we don't live to regret that!:rolleyes:

Doc B-dorf

No FY15 Program for me! Almost done w/school!
Doc, I think that would have been true back in the day, when Warriors/warfighting were job ONE. But in the present PC, kinder, gentler Navy... zero defects/0.00 breathalyzers & constant power point gatherings, trump training audacious warfighters. I hope we don't live to regret that!:rolleyes:
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I totally agree. Even though I'm just about to hit my 11 year mark, I can see the difference. But you would think that at least one of the people on the board would be from back in the day and at least appreciate it!

Of course, I am in no way condoning said service member to do that, but you have to admit it would be funny.


Active Member
From Mr. Straten, "The instruction is out dated and currently under rewrite." I wonder how long they've been re-writing it, and if it will be completed before the FY-15 program announcement.