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FY14 STA-21 Applicants


Active Member
Is it October yet???

Well...only three months away...


"Wild Horse"
Got a huge confidence boost today. I started thinking about all the improvements I made since last year, and I think it helped motivate me in the gym today. Been racking my brain pretty hard lately. It doesn't help that a huge handful of people at work are already calling me Sir. haha


St. Francis/Hugh Hefner Combo!
Super Moderator
Got a huge confidence boost today. I started thinking about all the improvements I made since last year, and I think it helped motivate me in the gym today. Been racking my brain pretty hard lately. It doesn't help that a huge handful of people at work are already calling me Sir. haha
I remember that... on the last few months as an enlisted E-5 on das boot, after receiving orders to Pensacola, most of my shipmates called called me "Ensign Bee". All but one said it in fun, the other with a nasty sneer. I asked him why, but he refused to discuss. Go figure (jealousy?).:confused:


Well-Known Member
I remember that... on the last few months as an enlisted E-5 on das boot, after receiving orders to Pensacola, most of my shipmates called called me "Ensign Bee". All but one said it in fun, the other with a nasty sneer. I asked him why, but he refused to discuss. Go figure (jealousy?).:confused:

We called a friend of mine that was picked up LDO "Ensign Timmy"


FY14 STA-21 Applicant
My package was finally reviewed (like most commands I am sure, mine wasn't sent until the very last day). It's all good though! No additional comments....let the wait commence!


"Wild Horse"
:confused: Eighteen days into the wait... and I'm already anxious. After months of working on my package every day, I feel like I have too much time on my hands now!
I have to say that the second time around is not nearly as hard as the firs time. The anxiety and restlessness are still the same though :-/ ....


Active Member
I have to say that the second time around is not nearly as hard as the firs time. The anxiety and restlessness are still the same though :-/ ....

I think if I weren't deployed it would be easier, but especially on watch, I always find myself thinking about the whole process.

Lost Anchor

New Member
I know August and the deadline for all your late submissions is next week, but I wanted to encourage you to do whatever is necessary to address any package discrepancies. I had several in my package due to the way admin sent my package off in a haphazard way. I spent several days hand walking parts of my package around my command and getting my CO to sign some things again. It was a pain and a little embarrassing as I got the question “didn’t we already take care of this” from 4 people in my chain of command. In the end I got everything addressed before August 1st, and was selected for NFO FY-12.

Best of luck guys!


"Wild Horse"
I've just realized that I have never posted my "stats and scores" since I have been on this site. I guess I was a little embarassed before because I always felt like I didn't measure up to most people on here ..... but oh well .. here goes nothing

Rate: AS2(AW/SW)
TIS: 7 yrs in SEP
EVALS (old to new) MP/EP(xfer)/P(FNG) / EP (#7 of 146) / EP (#1 of 148)
ACT: 21/20 (bare minimum to make the program) <<< I feel like this is my only negative trait in my entire package
College: 69 Semester Hours/ AA in general studies / 3.64 GPA ... only 2 classes away from graduating
PRTs (new to old) Outstanding x 2 / Excellent
Awards: NAMx3/ GCMx2 / 2012 SOY / SOQ
LORs: 1 CAPT / 1 CDR (CAPT sel) both prior COs / 1 CWO5
So I will have to agree with most people on here! Getting my package ready for the second year was not nearly as difficult; however, my command just dragged their feet the entire process and were not as motivated as they were last year. I am taking leave just to try to pass some time until the results come out. The waiting game is just as hard as it was last year and we still have close to three months until the results come out.