The lack of innovation in the core of GA piston aircraft is appalling. CAP is doing 500 hour magneto removal and inspections because the mags themselves seem to fail/MBTF right at 500 hours like clockwork. on brand new from the factory Cessna 206T Turbo (that the USAF spent over $1mm per aircraft on )Nice engine, but I’d lose a chunk of horse power at close to the same weight. I do seriously love the idea of a FADEC as I am sick of the 1920’s technology tractor magneto that I have now (made worse in that it is a dual magneto). Even an engine governor would be nice (the Enstrom uses a collective correlator) to save some gas.
The real problem on the US is that once something works…like a 1950’s engine…why bother ever changing it? It is very expensive for companies to meet FAA requirements and most owners don’t care as long as the spinning thingy on the front (or top) keeps spinning. But…100LL is on the way out no matter how much pilots kick and scream. Several states are working on bills that will limit the number of take offs and landings per day at GA airports that utilize 100LL and others are looking at outright bans. In most cases the fox isn’t too hard, but getting past the “but it works” types isn’t easy.
The FAA Part 23 system is beyond broken. "But its certified!". Safe and Legal are not the same - even remotely. We have a active RV builders community at my airport and the innovation in the EXPERIMENTAL category is amazing - especially products like the Titan engines.
The FAA AVGAS replacement program is also a shitshow. We can't eliminate lead from AVGAS quickly enough - not because of the "environmental" issues, but because lead wreaks havoc on modern fulel in jected engines where the risk of detonation is negligible, and the benefit of Lead additives are negligible, while the harm lead does to valves, spark plugs, fuel nozzles is much worse.
Simply getting the lead out of AVGAS also will immediatly allow use of full synthetic engine oil - which would result in 100Hr oil changes (or more). (normal oil change interval today is 50.)
I've had the Surefly ignition system instal;led on 2 of my club aircraft - a Cessna 182S and a Cessna 206H (non turbo) - both Lycoming IO-540. The results have been remarkable.