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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board

The OCS point of contact let me know they he received my package and had given to th program manager, and that I would see the results within a week of the board. Its more than likely that it will be out sooner, but once again I'm active duty and it may work a little different for others.

I would like that POC as well! Unless your talking about the OCS helpdesk in Milington...

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
N3M is medical
NRC is responsible for selection boards
NOR my processor informed me that they have my PQ letter and by background investigation has been opened. Why would it be opened before I even get pro rec? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
NOR my processor informed me that they have my PQ letter and by background investigation has been opened. Why would it be opened before I even get pro rec? Thanks.

The probably sent in the fingerprint cards and the additional signature pages as soon as they had them, many NRD's wait to submit those until after pro Y status.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
The probably sent in the fingerprint cards and the additional signature pages as soon as they had them, many NRD's wait to submit those until after pro Y status.

Oh ok so in the hopeful sense I am selected in the July Board this would be a plus to have done right?

Robert Allen

I've fixed them, now I fly them!
Hey Robert Allen would you mind hooking me up with the OCS POC that you contacted? I'd like to know if they received mine as well, thanks.
No I dont mind.....primary/email address ocsquestions@navy.mil secondary/phone number 901 874 9028........P.O. Edwards it probably is the OCS help desk, as active duty if you submitted your package this is who it would have went to and stayed until the board was ready for them.
Non-AD guys/gals I don't know who would tell you if your package made it to the board or not, but it can't hurt to much to ask the OCS POC

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
No I dont mind.....primary/email address ocsquestions@navy.mil secondary/phone number 901 874 9028........P.O. Edwards it probably is the OCS help desk, as active duty if you submitted your package this is who it would have went to and stayed until the board was ready for them.
Non-AD guys/gals I don't know who would tell you if your package made it to the board or not, but it can't hurt to much to ask the OCS POC

For Non-AD guys you can just call your processor and they can tell you everything. At least that is what mine did.


For those applying, are any of you 12 months or less out from graduation? Reason I'm asking is because I met with an OR today and they wouldn't let me put a package in till I had my Bachelors (from my understanding if you're 12> months from graduating you can apply).

I'm about 10 months out and I submitted my package no problem


By instruction those who are applying for OCS should their Bachelors degree. The board sometimes allows those who are close to graduating to apply, but that is 100% upto the board if they will accept your package. A few months ago they were real relax on those who were close to graduating, but because so many people were appling with intentions of graduating, then getting selected, then not graduating in the time they disclosed to the board. The board has tighten up on those without degrees. I don't have my degree and they let me apply for the July Board, but I graduate a week after the results come out. Which is still before the first set of final select letters come out.

Hope this answers your question.

What instruction says you have to have your bachelors degree before applying?

Robert Allen

I've fixed them, now I fly them!
What instruction says you have to have your bachelors degree before applying?
Well, I was corrected earlier in the post because I'm active duty and the instruction is not the same for AD and civilians. That being said I was referring to the OPNAV 1420.1B

Robert Allen

I've fixed them, now I fly them!
Does anyone know what the aproximate turnaround time is for submitting a waiver and knowning you are cleared(NAMI, M3M, PQ'd)? If anyone has recently gone through this or known someone who has.

Back story: ADHD when child, waiver submitted on the 27th of May. Flight Surgeon recommended me for cleared for flight status(not exact words).