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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board


Well-Known Member
In a lot of your posts you have been spot on but this one I will have to disagree. Regardless what you were "told" or what your compensation may be at the time you are going through OCS, you are not and will never be enlisted. When dcushman says he thinks everyone should spend some time as an E, he's not talking about the semantics or the literal fact that you will get paid as an E-5. I am sure he is talking about living in a 100 man berthing, standing in line for a half hour just to eat in the galley and only wondering what the inside of the wardroom looks like, always doing your own laundry, being the last one off the ship during liberty call... the list goes on. If we are in the same class I will be there to mentor you while we both become officers but please don't confuse that fact and think that you were enlisted for 12 weeks. Don't take this the wrong way, I mean no disrespect.

I agree with this, now for a fun fact, there have been people in NUPOC or BDCP that due to the length of time were awarded a good conduct medal.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
In a lot of your posts you have been spot on but this one I will have to disagree. Regardless what you were "told" or what your compensation may be at the time you are going through OCS, you are not and will never be enlisted. When dcushman says he thinks everyone should spend some time as an E, he's not talking about the semantics or the literal fact that you will get paid as an E-5. I am sure he is talking about living in a 100 man berthing, standing in line for a half hour just to eat in the galley and only wondering what the inside of the wardroom looks like, always doing your own laundry, being the last one off the ship during liberty call... the list goes on. If we are in the same class I will be there to mentor you while we both become officers but please don't confuse that fact and think that you were enlisted for 12 weeks. Don't take this the wrong way, I mean no disrespect.

HAHA no offense taken. My response was a joke to this "thought".


New Member
Congrats to everyone who was selected and to those that didn't, keep driving on. I'm late posting but I found out Aug. 1 that I was pro-Y for SNFO but a no for SNA. I'm happy to be selected and have the opportunity to become a Naval Officer. I was told their might be a possibility of switching to SNA, either at OCS or flight school. I'm not holding my breath on this chance but I wouldn't pass it up either. I'm ok with either one or I wouldn't have applied to them. No word about final select or a class date. My recruiter asked me for an availability date, now all I have to do is get a separation/resignation date of my current commission from my CoC and he said they will slot me sometime after that date.

28 M
LT/O-3 US Public Health Service, 2 years tis
BS and MS in Microbiology and MBA
54 6/6/6
Regulatory microbiologist with the FDA, 3 years
in Little Rock

Thanks to everyone for all the info here, it is very helpful.

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
Congrats to everyone who was selected and to those that didn't, keep driving on. I'm late posting but I found out Aug. 1 that I was pro-Y for SNFO but a no for SNA. I'm happy to be selected and have the opportunity to become a Naval Officer. I was told their might be a possibility of switching to SNA, either at OCS or flight school. I'm not holding my breath on this chance but I wouldn't pass it up either. I'm ok with either one or I wouldn't have applied to them. No word about final select or a class date. My recruiter asked me for an availability date, now all I have to do is get a separation/resignation date of my current commission from my CoC and he said they will slot me sometime after that date.

28 M
LT/O-3 US Public Health Service, 2 years tis
BS and MS in Microbiology and MBA
54 6/6/6
Regulatory microbiologist with the FDA, 3 years
in Little Rock

Thanks to everyone for all the info here, it is very helpful.

When do you turn 29?

Mr Spenz

"Your brief saved your flight' - every IP
That is prob why you didnt get SNA. I believe you have to be commissioned by 29 with an age waiver for Prior AD.


Well-Known Member
Congrats to everyone who was selected and to those that didn't, keep driving on. I'm late posting but I found out Aug. 1 that I was pro-Y for SNFO but a no for SNA. I'm happy to be selected and have the opportunity to become a Naval Officer. I was told their might be a possibility of switching to SNA, either at OCS or flight school. I'm not holding my breath on this chance but I wouldn't pass it up either. I'm ok with either one or I wouldn't have applied to them. No word about final select or a class date. My recruiter asked me for an availability date, now all I have to do is get a separation/resignation date of my current commission from my CoC and he said they will slot me sometime after that date.

28 M
LT/O-3 US Public Health Service, 2 years tis
BS and MS in Microbiology and MBA
54 6/6/6
Regulatory microbiologist with the FDA, 3 years
in Little Rock

Thanks to everyone for all the info here, it is very helpful.

you were probably an interesting situation for your OR


New Member
Well I had a nice long reply typed up but it is gone after I hit post reply. Yes, I was a very interesting case with many, many phone calls. once I took the test and started filling out paper work it was only about 1 month till I went to meps and then about anther two weeks for the processor to get everything back and sent it. Most of the forms I have filled out before or have copies from before so I didn't have to search to hard to info, such as the 10 years worth on the sf-86.

No, I won't retain my rank. I'll resign and start over with the Navy.

My recruiter speculated that I might not have been selected for SNA due to PRK at Ft. Campbell last year, but just his guess. I knew I was a long shot either way and I'm just happy to be selected.


New Member
I did neglect to say in my previous post that even though I was a pain for them to figure out, I was able to get everything done pretty fast, IMO. I had a great processor working with me, a good responsive recruiter and the full support of my work, both the FDA and the USPHS.

Does any know who the process of switching from SNFO to SNA before becoming a qualified NFO works? Is it really even possible? My recruiter say it could be possible at OCS or at Pensacola. After reading the messages for FY13 and FY14 NFO to Pilot it has to be before 29 and from my limited knowledge this is regarding one is alrady a full qualified NFO. Would this same rule apply to one that was not already a qualified NFO? If I'm 29 before even reporting to OCS am I SOL and my recruiter maybe doesn't have the most up to date info (or maybe just telling me what I want to hear since SNA was my #1)? It sounds a bit to good to be true that one could not be selected by the board for SNA then switch to it during OCS/flight school. Has anyone one here done this? I can't really imagine it being something as simple as "hey SNA candidate X switched to something else, we now have a spot, you want it?"

I know that's a lot of similar questions at once, just trying to get a realistic idea. If there is zero chance of a switch due to my age, I would like to know that sooner rather than later. That being said, I'm not accepting SNFO with the delusion that I'm going to get to switch or that I deserve to switch or anything like that. I'm just looking for some current info from those of you that have BTDT. Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
I did neglect to say in my previous post that even though I was a pain for them to figure out, I was able to get everything done pretty fast, IMO. I had a great processor working with me, a good responsive recruiter and the full support of my work, both the FDA and the USPHS.

Does any know who the process of switching from SNFO to SNA before becoming a qualified NFO works? Is it really even possible? My recruiter say it could be possible at OCS or at Pensacola. After reading the messages for FY13 and FY14 NFO to Pilot it has to be before 29 and from my limited knowledge this is regarding one is alrady a full qualified NFO. Would this same rule apply to one that was not already a qualified NFO? If I'm 29 before even reporting to OCS am I SOL and my recruiter maybe doesn't have the most up to date info (or maybe just telling me what I want to hear since SNA was my #1)? It sounds a bit to good to be true that one could not be selected by the board for SNA then switch to it during OCS/flight school. Has anyone one here done this? I can't really imagine it being something as simple as "hey SNA candidate X switched to something else, we now have a spot, you want it?"

I know that's a lot of similar questions at once, just trying to get a realistic idea. If there is zero chance of a switch due to my age, I would like to know that sooner rather than later. That being said, I'm not accepting SNFO with the delusion that I'm going to get to switch or that I deserve to switch or anything like that. I'm just looking for some current info from those of you that have BTDT. Thank you in advance.

I am guessing NRC deemed that USPHS is not a military commission otherwise they would have had you do lateral transfer, but USPHS doesn't have OCS or ODS type schools they probably said ok to apply, it does look like they gave you credit for being USPHS though, however even with that credit you must be commissioned in the USN by age 29 to be a SNA, the limit for SNFO is 31


I am guessing NRC deemed that USPHS is not a military commission otherwise they would have had you do lateral transfer, but USPHS doesn't have OCS or ODS type schools they probably said ok to apply, it does look like they gave you credit for being USPHS though, however even with that credit you must be commissioned in the USN by age 29 to be a SNA, the limit for SNFO is 31

What defines a "military commission" exactly? I'm just curious because my dad is PHS and was bound by the UCMJ at his last post at a Federal Detention Center. His current post is on a Marine base and he still gets all the perks of being a commissioned officer (jumping in lines at the barber shop, salutes, the whole shebang). At one point, he was talking about switching to the Navy, and would have gotten to keep his rank (although I'm not sure about time accrued). Maybe the issue wasn't so much that PHS isn't a "military" organization but that Superman1996ta was trying to go from a Staff position to Unrestricted Line.


Well-Known Member
What defines a "military commission" exactly? I'm just curious because my dad is PHS and was bound by the UCMJ at his last post at a Federal Detention Center. His current post is on a Marine base and he still gets all the perks of being a commissioned officer (jumping in lines at the barber shop, salutes, the whole shebang). At one point, he was talking about switching to the Navy, and would have gotten to keep his rank (although I'm not sure about time accrued). Maybe the issue wasn't so much that PHS isn't a "military" organization but that Superman1996ta was trying to go from a Staff position to Unrestricted Line.

I believe the breaking point when we asked NRC years ago was "did they go through a commissioning source such as ROTC, Academy, OCS, ODS"

the medical corps in the USN is based on experience, I have seen docs come in as CDR's, and even saw one come in as a CAPT with NO prior military experience, rules don't generally apply to medical types.