Well-Known Member
In a lot of your posts you have been spot on but this one I will have to disagree. Regardless what you were "told" or what your compensation may be at the time you are going through OCS, you are not and will never be enlisted. When dcushman says he thinks everyone should spend some time as an E, he's not talking about the semantics or the literal fact that you will get paid as an E-5. I am sure he is talking about living in a 100 man berthing, standing in line for a half hour just to eat in the galley and only wondering what the inside of the wardroom looks like, always doing your own laundry, being the last one off the ship during liberty call... the list goes on. If we are in the same class I will be there to mentor you while we both become officers but please don't confuse that fact and think that you were enlisted for 12 weeks. Don't take this the wrong way, I mean no disrespect.
I agree with this, now for a fun fact, there have been people in NUPOC or BDCP that due to the length of time were awarded a good conduct medal.