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July 2013 and/or Rolling Board


Well-Known Member
Finally heard back and I am PRO REC X for SWO. I was told by the SCPO I talked to that all May 2014 graduates have to wait until Dec board for SWO, but can apply for SNA and SNFO. They told me SWO has to low of a quota to pick people that possibly won't be through until the first or second class of FY15.

This is the trickle down effect, those that go to OCS as SNA or SNFO who are medically DQ aviation and want to stay in the USN will often go SWO, for every one that goes SWO that is one less billet available for that FY.

There were also many selected at the last board that are FY14, and given that FY14 goals aren't official yet they will only pick a portion to ensure they don't screw things up.


This may be a little premature, but has anyone heard/received anything regarding their Final Select letter?
When I got ProRec-Y last Tuesday, July 30, my OR said that since I am already PQ and I have an active security clearance, the status of my FS letter was showing as already being sent to the PM for signature which could take about a week. If he is correct and there are no delays, I should be expecting my FS letter sometime this week. He also mentioned that NRC is trying to fill spots for the upcoming August 25 OCS class with those selected that have all their paperwork complete. We shall see what happens...


Well-Known Member
When I got ProRec-Y last Tuesday, July 30, my OR said that since I am already PQ and I have an active security clearance, the status of my FS letter was showing as already being sent to the PM for signature which could take about a week. If he is correct and there are no delays, I should be expecting my FS letter sometime this week. He also mentioned that NRC is trying to fill spots for the upcoming August 25 OCS class with those selected that have all their paperwork complete. We shall see what happens...

At PM for signature is a status, if all the requirements are met such as clearance, physical it is moved over, it doesn't actually mean it is waiting for him to sign it, they can sit in that status for days or weeks, sometimes months, it just depends what is in front of you, generally AD will get processed first.

Kyler Boeck

Pro-rec SWO waiting for FS
Still haven't found out if I got a pro rec-Y or N. Anyone hear anything from NRD Chicago? or have a list of who made it in?

RiseR 25

Well-Known Member
Received my final select letter today. Ordered to report 25 August. That's pretty freaking quick. I've got lots to prepare. Anybody else headed out?

Nah, I've been told sometime in October or as late as February. Wow that is quick for an FS, congratulations!


Active Member
Received my final select letter today. Ordered to report 25 August. That's pretty freaking quick. I've got lots to prepare. Anybody else headed out?

Jeez, that was fast! I still have to go to MEPS next week, I'm guessing you had already done all that? I want to get in ASAP, but if they had hit me back with an August 25th date I would have been blown away because in my mind I've been thinking November/December.... I should probably call my recruiter about timetable in the morning, lol.