Frozen Hellscape Survivor
Thanks! Unfortunately it is a little heavy on the running and not building upper strength. Right now I can do the 1.5 in about 11:45, but I'm not concentrating on it at the moment. I want to build distance and endurance, that said once my kit gets seen and assuming I get pro-rec'd I'll start caring about improving my short distance pace. That second part.... Yeah... What was your last status on your kit?Yeah I was in the thread briefly. That is a pretty good routine. I hate running so as long as I can keep a 10 min 1.5 I stick to lifting.. i also live in colorado springs where it is 6180 ft MSL which makes running more exciting :/
Man...i tell you what..The anticipation of not knowing if my package was seen is literally stopping time.
I'm not that great of a swimmer however right now I can pass the requirements for OCS.. API on the other hand.... Yeah... I should start working on that.
EDIT: And.... Page 12.