my OR sent mine in late april (around the 23rd) and i talked to him yesterday and he said i made it into all three boards (intel, swo, supply). I'm glad too, because i am running out of money. Also, does anyone know how long it would take to start OCS if I haven't gone to MEPS or done my PRT?
depends on where your closest meps and prt site is... just go get it done and you wont have to wait as long either way. beyond that i have no idea... theres a lot of talk around here that ocs dates are being pushed back to the fall so ocs could start then.
how does the money thing work anyway? i figured we wouldnt get paid until we reported for ocs in RI?
people ask about loans too but i think i'd wait till i made it through ocs and had my commission before i took out a starter loan or a car loan...?