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May boards


New Member
after a long, stomach turning ride on the subway to my office this morning I stepped out to the corner of 34th and Broadway to find out that...

I got in!! SNA Pro Rec!


New Member
Pro-Rec BDCP Pilot!!! God deserves the glory on this one folks. To all that might apply, be positive because if it's for you to get in...God will let it happen. If not, be positive because he's got something better!

So what are your stats? ....thanks for the uplifting words too. I'm pretty nervous this morning.


after a long, stomach turning ride on the subway to my office this morning I stepped out to the corner of 34th and Broadway to find out that...

I got in!! SNA Pro Rec!

Congrats to all, again, and to those that will be finding out their slots for SNA/NFO/SWO.

Not to be the buzz kill, but has anyone heard if they are non-select? When I was non-select first time around, I was a bit bummed, but the guys and girls posting on the thread with me were very encouraging.

It seems as though there are a lot of selects, just curious if people are hearing non-selects.

Just sitting by, happy for those folks hearing about SNA/NFO/SWO, and waiting patiently for the IW/INTEL/SUPPLY boards to meet :)


Well-Known Member
Granted it was 10 years ago, but I was in a fraternity (Theta Xi) at GMI up in Flint, MI.

At the time of application I was rush chair for 2 years (and did well at it) and was the vice president and on the Greek Council at school.

Basically I think they looked at it as a leadership of a club, but with a tad more responisibility. (AKA, if anything bad happens Fraternity Pres/VP can and have gone to jail)


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
I was President of Triangle Fraternity (Engineers, Architects, and Scientists, oh my!). Despite the lack of greek letters, it actually is a greek fraternity, but founded by engineers, so they picked the most stable geometric object that also was a greek letter (Triangle/Lamba). Nerds...yes...

As for what that means? I don't know, wasn't on the boards. I'd think it goes towards the "whole person" concept. Being President of a fraternity is a (relatively, for college) big bit of responsibility. You're responsible for a bunch of knuckleheads, deal with 100% of their crap, and they ultimately dictate you success or failure. You have to motivate them to do things that aren't fun, recruit new guys, and put on the dog & pony show for administration/alum/families/haters/others. Maybe a primer for Naval Officer? Dunno, we'll see I suppose.


Fleens? You're not Fleens!
I was President of Triangle Fraternity (Engineers, Architects, and Scientists, oh my!). Despite the lack of greek letters, it actually is a greek fraternity, but founded by engineers, so they picked the most stable geometric object that also was a greek letter (Triangle/Lamba). Nerds...yes...

As for what that means? I don't know, wasn't on the boards. I'd think it goes towards the "whole person" concept. Being President of a fraternity is a (relatively, for college) big bit of responsibility. You're responsible for a bunch of knuckleheads, deal with 100% of their crap, and they ultimately dictate you success or failure. You have to motivate them to do things that aren't fun, recruit new guys, and put on the dog & pony show for administration/alum/families/haters/others. Maybe a primer for Naval Officer? Dunno, we'll see I suppose.

I was chapter president of my fraternity as well--Alpha Phi Omega. It's the largest greek letter org in the world. We're a coed Community Service Fraternity. I'm sure it helped a lot.


agh Otools isn't working for my recruiter and she has to wait for word from her 'boss'... this is happening the same way it did in Feb. Everyone else finds out days before me.:(


New Member
this guy <-------super jealous partially bitter

i was a non-select from "black april" (as my OR calls it) with 6/6/7 55, 3.1 in Finance, blah blah blah. On top of getting to read your success stories this morning, I found out I can't re-take the ASTB tomorrow as scheduled. seriously, i'm going to get in one way or another.