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Militarization of Space Imminent?


Working Plan B
We're planning to go back to the moon and establish colonial residence.

NASA is developing ways to extract fuel, water, oxygen, and building materials solely from the lunar surface: everything needed to sustain human presence. Society will expand off of this world, and where society goes, the military goes with it.

Militarization of space isn't so much a matter of policy, as it is a fact of human nature (sorry, if that's all too romantic for all of you... :)).


he will die without safety brief
I thought those were all nuclear tipped and not kill vehicles (with no warhead) per se?

A History of Anti-Satellite Weapons

The thing that I am concerned about is why? We've all heard of Titan Rain, we see them testing a capability that is a direct threat to the US. It seems like they are waving a switchblade in our faces. How do we respond?
We should obviously take out any capability of theirs to make war. Ever. I suggest starting with the firstborn.


His blood smells like cologne.
I'm not going to write a dissertation on this, primarily because i'm not even remotely qualified to, but I think the control of space (militarily) is extremely important. Could you even imagine what would happen if the Chinese (or anyone else for that matter) took out even a handful of our GPS satellites? What about our reconaissance satellites? Most importantly, what if we lost DirectTV? Brett wouldn't be able to watch Oprah or Dr. Phil.

I'm not going to speculate too much, but i'd guess that one could do considerable damage to the US (economically and/or militarily) via ASAT weaponry. End of rant 1.

Beginning of rant 2. I can't stand the short sightedness of the "Lets not spend money on space, we have enough issues (like homelessness) to deal with here on earth." Please. I despise this attitude because it pays no regard to the future. Sometimes you have to faithfully invest a little money now in order to reap payoffs down the road. Imagine what would have (or more appropriately HAVEN'T) happened had the European countries of the 15th century not taken a chance and invested heavily in the exploration of the globe.


Well-Known Member
Or look at all the spin-off benefits of the space program. Computers got a kick start that had world wide benefit.

Chemistry, Physics, Engineering. All advanced.

Storm prediction, weather observation, the list goes on.


he will die without safety brief
Hit-to-Kill is not easy
Assuming a non-maneuvering target, i.e., a satellite without thrusters, you just have to figure out when he'll be at (x,y,z) spot over the ground at some time(+/- t... that's your error), then launch some explosive body towards that point. Kablooie. No need to have a precise hit.


Assuming a non-maneuvering target, i.e., a satellite without thrusters, you just have to figure out when he'll be at (x,y,z) spot over the ground at some time(+/- t... that's your error), then launch some explosive body towards that point. Kablooie. No need to have a precise hit.

Precisely our point a "Kill vehicle" is a kill vehicle because it HAS NO EXPLOSIVE
If the Chinese wanted to get our attention by blowing their own satellite out of the sky, wasn't this a wee bit redundant? not too long ago, they tipped their hand by "blinding" one of our satellites in space (don't have a link, sorry)...so now, they up and destroy one, rather than just continue "blinding"...were they worried we didn't get the hint or something? i guess wearing the mantle of "inventors of fireworks" got a lil stale for 'em, had to go big...


Registered User
As a grunt, we were told if you control the high ground you control the fight.

As a pilot, I'm told if you control the sky you control the battle.

If you control space, ?.

Didn't LBJ say something similar when he was VP, talking about the importance of NASA?


Registered User
Or look at all the spin-off benefits of the space program. Computers got a kick start that had world wide benefit.

Chemistry, Physics, Engineering. All advanced.

Storm prediction, weather observation, the list goes on.

Ziplock bags. :icon_tong


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Or look at all the spin-off benefits of the space program. Computers got a kick start that had world wide benefit.

Chemistry, Physics, Engineering. All advanced.

Storm prediction, weather observation, the list goes on.

Let's not forget Tang! :D



Let's not forget Tang! :D

VELCRO !!!:eek:

Now where DID I put my walking shoes and shades ... ???
