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Militarization of Space Imminent?


Super Moderator
Assuming a non-maneuvering target, i.e., a satellite without thrusters, you just have to figure out when he'll be at (x,y,z) spot over the ground at some time(+/- t... that's your error), then launch some explosive body towards that point. Kablooie. No need to have a precise hit.

The news reports I have seen have said it was a Hit-to-Kill ASAT, meaning that it did not have a warhead, it hit the target to destroy it. It was the premise behind our ASAT in the 80's, the impact from the seeker hitting the satellite, basically two objects going in opposite directions hitting each other going about 17,000 mph or more, is enough to obliterate both objects. That is not easy to do, by any means. The Soviets were the ones who did the proximity warhead ASAT, it was supposedly was like a really big grenade going off near the satellite.

The Hit-to-Kill principle is also behind the Exo-Atmospheric Kinetic Kill Vehicles (EKV's) that MDA uses on the Ground Based Interceptors (GBI's) http://www.globalsecurity.org/space/systems/gbi.htm. The kinetic part of it is why many scientists and others don't like the MDA system, it is like trying to shoot down one bullet with another and you are not sure where the bullet you are trying to shoot down is going. At the very least, it is an extremely hard problem to solve even with all the money MDA gets, even they admit that. If the GBI's were nuclear tipped, the whole kinetic concept would be a moot point. It would also make it cheaper and more reliable, the Russians' ABM system supposedly uses nuclear-tipped missiles: http://www.missilethreat.com/missiledefensesystems/id.22/system_detail.asp ......a little ironic, isn't it?


Super Moderator
If the Chinese wanted to get our attention by blowing their own satellite out of the sky, wasn't this a wee bit redundant? not too long ago, they tipped their hand by "blinding" one of our satellites in space (don't have a link, sorry)...so now, they up and destroy one, rather than just continue "blinding"...were they worried we didn't get the hint or something? i guess wearing the mantle of "inventors of fireworks" got a lil stale for 'em, had to go big...

Hmmmmm, do you believe everything you read on the internets?
Flash, give me something better than that...check around, it was covered in plenty of places.

"The US has confirmed China has successfully blocked one of its spy satellites using a ground-to-space laser.

The high-powered light was able to blind onboard cameras, acknowledged National Reconnaissance Office director Donald Kerr, responding to a report in Defense News. He said: "It makes us think."

Alluding to wider concerns about the vulerabilities of communications satellites, Air Force space commander general Kevin Chilton said: "We're at a point where the technology's out there and the capability for people to do things to our satellites is there. I'm focused on it beyond any single event."

The incident is likely to reignite the debate over the US's own anti-satellite programme, for which the House of Representatives attempted to block funding."


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator


Well-Known Member
I think what Flash is getting at is that there really isn't any evidence of them using that capability, even though they might have it. Your linked sources amount to nothing more than conjecture, not evidence of an attack.


Brett do you have law experience...just curious because you often sound like you do (and I'm not being a sarcastic bastard either..:))


Super Moderator

Brett is right on the money. Our satellites and their operations are among this country's most guarded secrets and while you might read about Chinese "laser beams" blinding/obscuring/flashing/blinking/playing peek-a-boo with our satellites, that information is in no way reliable if it is in the open press. So, you can search the internet all you like but you not going to find what I would consider 'legitimate' links, unless you can post something from JWICS. And if you don't know what that is, I have made my point.

With all that said, I prefer to leave the satellite stuff to the Buzz Lightyear wannabes with their flight suits, flight jackets and really cool wings........:D

Fair enough--I concur on your general legitimacy point, but no matter how "closely guarded" the secret, leaks can never be entirely discounted...on a sidenote, those "space wings" are going to look just great pinned on the fancy-shmancy new AF uni...


Working Plan B
What exactly is it that Space Guys and Missiliers DO (that we can talk about) anyways?


Super Moderator
What exactly is it that Space Guys and Missiliers DO (that we can talk about) anyways?

The space ops guys design, prepare, launch and control satellites (or as they say, 'fly satellites'.........:icon_roll) Missiliers launch ICBM's. The particulars of how they do all of that is what is classified.